设计单位 HAS design and research
项目地点 泰国曼谷
竣工时间 2024年5月
建筑面积 180平方米
泰国铝石窟文创场(Aluminum Grotto and Public Ground)的亮相于泰国暹罗皇家建筑师协会(The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage,简称ASA)成立90周年纪念博览会。该建筑具有独特的历史因素,它不仅反映了建筑师Jenchieh Hung与Kulthida Songkittipakdee将泰国长久以来文化、工艺、自然的沉淀转译到建筑的探索,同时也象征泰国设计在国际范围内影响力的提升。
Aluminum Grotto and Public Ground is a meticulously designed architectural work that integrates a three-dimensional interior, a permanent structure, and a craftsmanship façade surface. It was created on the 90th anniversary of The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage (ASA). Initiated by Thailand’s aluminum company S-ONE Group and KIN, the acclaimed architectural firm HAS Design and Research was commissioned for the design.
该项目由泰国铝业公司S-ONE集团和KIN发起,并联合委托HAS Design and Research建筑事务所操刀设计。在设计初始阶段,设计团队提出一个崭新的设计构想:即在人潮拥挤与繁忙的展会中,重新建构一个如同自然山谷的地景。这个自然印象宛如泰国数百年前人与自然的共生方式——人们生活在起伏的地形之上并仰赖着自然给予的资源。
Hung And Songkittipakdee (HAS) aimed for this building to not only reflect Thailand’s status as the most significant metal manufacturing exporter in Southeast Asia but also to provide a public resting place at the ASA 90th Anniversary Architect Expo. The space allows the public to participate for free in activities such as public learning, art exchanges, and educational lectures, serving non-profit functions. After multiple discussions and thorough understanding, the client fully embraced the concept proposed by HAS Design and Research founders and architects Jenchieh Hung and Kulthida Songkittipakdee, ensuring that Aluminum Grotto and Public Ground became a center for free public access, devoid of commercial operations and promotion, and dedicated to idea exchange and learning.
Based on this premise, HAS Design and Research proposed an innovative design to create a valley-like grotto with a natural impression amidst the busy and densely packed exposition. This Aluminum Grotto and Public Ground not only recreates past scenes where Thai people relied on natural landscapes for their dwellings and lives, but also reflects the current situation where the average green open space per capita in Bangkok is only 6.99 square meters, much lower than the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommended 9 square meters.
基于对大众开放的前提,最终设计有如一个漂浮的山谷,其向上抬升的造型,留出大量架空的开放与交流场所:一方面创造更多“灰空间”吸引参访者并模糊室内外边界,另一方面则对传统泰式吊脚楼多功能“Tai toon”的呼应。在某些特殊时刻,自然光照亮石窟般的空间,不仅为教育、学习和论坛提供了采光,还营造出一种仪式感,给使用者带来前所未有的感官体验。
During regular times, the elevated structure creates an open space underneath, generating more "gray space" to attract the public and extend the indoor and outdoor environments. This design also echoes the multifunctional "Tai toon" space of traditional Thai stilt houses. At special moments, the natural light illuminating the grotto-like space not only provides functions for education, learning, and forums but also creates a sense of ceremony, offering an unprecedented sensory experience.
The Aluminum Grotto and Public Ground is ultimately constructed from hundreds of thousands of aluminum rods, with a design that integrates the skin into the space, the space with the structure, and the structure with diverse functions, known as Total-ness Design.
除此之外,构成该建筑的数十万根铝条,没有任何两根铝条长度相同,每一根铝条都由泰国本地工匠精心切割制作,并以手工的方式一片片组装。这样的工艺技术,不禁让人联想起泰国著名寺庙玉佛寺(Wat Phra Kaew)的建造方式。在这个工业化快速发展的时代中,泰国铝石窟文创场以一种非常规的理念,将传统与未来整合,让泰国人重新见到本土工艺焕发的可能性。
None of these aluminum rods are of the same length; each rod is meticulously cut and assembled by craftsmen, reminiscent of the intricate craftsmanship seen in Thai temples. Amidst rapid industrial development, the Aluminum Grotto and Public Ground integrates tradition and future with an unconventional concept, allowing Thai people to rediscover the potential of local craftsmanship.
泰国铝石窟文创场在2024年暹罗建筑师博览会(ASA Architect Expo 2024)上荣获最高荣誉“年度主题展馆奖”。这一享有盛誉的博览会由泰国暹罗皇家建筑师协会与TTF国际有限公司合作举办。主创建筑师以全新的视角诠释了曼谷人的生活方式和未来生活趋势,这是他们的作品得此殊荣的重要原因。该项目注重自然与人工结构之间的关系,展现了对创造与城市完美融合的新型建筑的探索与尝试。
Aluminum Grotto and Public Ground has been awarded the highest honor, the "Thematic Pavilion of the Year Award" , at the ASA Architect Expo 2024. This prestigious exposition was organized by The Association of Siamese Architects Under Royal Patronage in collaboration with TTF International Company Limited. This esteemed award highlights the work of acclaimed architects Jenchieh Hung and Kulthida Songkittipakdee from HAS Design and Research, who offer a new perspective on Bangkokians' lifestyle and future living trends. Their architecture focuses on the relationship between natural and man-made structures, seeking to create a new type of architecture that blends seamlessly with the city.
设计图纸 ▽
设计单位:HAS design and research
主创建筑师:洪人杰(Jenchieh Hung)、Kulthida Songkittipakdee
设计团队:Jenchieh Hung、Kulthida Songkittipakdee、Saralchana Pueakhachen、Muze Ouyang、Jiamin Yang
结构顾问:Buncha Layangkoon
照明顾问:Light Is
铝制作技术:KIN Thailand
结构制作技术:Pacific Pipe Co., Ltd.
照明制作技术:Motion Tech Thailand Co Ltd、Neowave Technology
施工方:Bangkok Canvas
摄影版权:DOF Sky | Ground
版权声明:本文由HAS design and research授权发布。欢迎转发,禁止以有方编辑版本转载。
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