A Western Australian architecture firm has won an international competition to design an architectural landmark for Silicon Valley in California.
Smar Architecture Studio’s design – selected from a pool of 963 submissions from 72 countries – will see 500 dynamic rods erected on the Arena Green at Guadalupe Park and Gardens in San José. Forming a tower that will soar to 200 feet (61 metres), the rods will sway in the wind, giving a dramatic visual effect while also generating enough power to light up the structure.
这一动力结构被称为“创新之风”(Breeze of Innovation),(除了杆件外还)包含多层走步道和顶部的观景平台。
Dubbed “Breeze of Innovation,” the kinetic structure will incorporate multiple levels of walkways and a dramatic viewing platform at its top.
“城市融合硅谷”(Urban Confluence Silicon Valley)的董事会主席Jon Ball说,“这个入口装置脱颖而出的原因,在于它的优雅而复杂的视觉风格。它以生动、壮观、富有魅力的动态效果,代表了硅谷。”
Jon Ball, board chair of Urban Confluence Silicon Valley, said “This entry stood out because of its elegant and sophisticated visual style, representing Silicon Valley through vibrant motion and singular grace on an imposing scale.
设计竞赛由圣何塞灯塔公司组织,并得到慈善机构的支持。该公司强调,计划建造的结构不仅是一座灯塔,更是对建于1881年圣何塞电灯塔—— 一个开创性的市政电力照明设施的致敬。
The Urban Confluence Silicon Valley ideas competition is organized by the San Jose Light Tower Corporation and supported by philanthropy. Despite the organization’s name, the San Jose Light Tower Corporation is keen to stress that the structure it plans to build is not a light tower itself, but rather, a tribute to the San Jose Electric Light Tower, built in 1881, which was a pioneering experiment in electricity-powered municipal lighting.
“硅谷不是复制过去,而是塑造未来,”Smar创始合伙人Fernando Jerez说道,“从一开始,我们的目标就是捕捉硅谷不断变化的‘魔力’,同时与圣何塞社区建立深厚的联系。” “我们提出了设计动态地标的想法。它是有生命的,随着风和光运动。” “我们希望访客在他们向上攀登的过程中,享受独特的体验,接续起硅谷的回忆,同时畅想它的未来可能性。”
“Silicon Valley is not about replicating the past; it’s about shaping the future,” said Smar founding partner Fernando Jerez. “Our goal from the beginning was to capture the ever-changing magic of Silicon Valley while also creating a deep connection with the San José community.” “…we came up with the idea of designing a dynamic landmark, one that is alive, moving with the wind and light” said Jerez. “We want visitors to enjoy a unique experience on their ascent, connecting with the memory of the Valley while dreaming about its future possibilities.”
More than $2.5 million has been raised for the project so far. The designs are expected to be submitted to the San José City Council in May 2021 for planning approval.
上一篇:V&A“源于自然的时尚”展览空间:写意园林 / Studio 10
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