设计单位 10 Design
项目地点 中国广东省深圳市
规划面积 436500平方米
项目状态 竞赛获胜方案
在鹏城实验室石壁龙园区一期国际竞赛获胜后,10 Design担任建筑设计主创,为项目提供后续建筑设计服务。设计旨在将项目建设为先进科研设施,为城市的创新未来发展奠定基础。
International architecture practice 10 Design has been appointed to realise the design vision of the Shenzhen Government for phase one of the city’s forthcoming flagship scientific research facility, the Shenzhen Pengcheng laboratory. The practice won the project following a national public tender process held by the Shenzhen Government and Pengcheng Laboratory.
Phase one of the schemes’ wider masterplan will manifest in circa 436,500sqm of laboratory space incorporating a series of research spaces, with accompanying recreation, dining, sports and social facilities.
通过深入理解鹏城实验室的目标愿景,10 Design的设计方案以建设一个可以鼓励科研人员交流互动的园区为重点。基地的中央设置了活力生活中心作为主要社交场所,同时以沿自然地势而建的空中连廊贯穿整个园区,实现内部的连通性和空间的流动性。在功能布局上,项目主要划分为三个部分:南园区 (综合楼及学术交流中心)、北园区 (研究中心及云脑)和活力生活中心。
10 Design’s brief is to design a space which promotes social interaction between the researchers who will occupy the site. In order to do this, our plans are to position social amenity spaces at the heart of the scheme, complemented by a series of elevated connected walkaways which navigate the terrain and the internal movement to allow connectivity and fluidity when passing through. This part of the development will be split into three main sections, the northern campus, the southern campus, and the central social hub with VIP conference facility and a focal sculptural element.
设计呈现了对综合鹏城实验室的需求、场地的险要地势和周围环境的全面考虑,选取意蕴丰富的 “脉” 作为设计理念,将一系列科研空间与绿色自然环境和谐相融,同时确保项目的通达性以鼓励交流互动。项目旨在透过设计协作式空间,促进科学技术的创新发展。
This project will be a high profile scheme for the scientific research community within China. Our plans have been assembled to create a holistic response to the design brief and the challenging terrain of the site and its surrounding context. We’ve encompassed the client’s vision of a series of research spaces in harmony with the surrounding green landscape and kept social interaction at the very forefront of the design work. It’s a key project which adds to our multifaceted portfolio of international work and we’re pleased to be encouraging innovation in science and technology by designing a space which will facilitate collaborative work.
鹏城实验室为深圳提供世界级研究设施,以鼓励全球人才推动21 世纪的科学发现,因此,社交互动和与周边地区产生凝聚力是项目的关键要素。10 Design的创新方案凸显 “以人为本”的特点,规划了一个空间与环境共融的世界级科技园区。鹏城实验室石壁龙园区的建设将吸引来自世界各地的优秀人才,为国家宽带通信、新型网络战略,以及国家粤港澳大湾区、深圳中国特色社会主义先行示范区建设服务。
Social interaction and cohesion with the surrounding area are our key design drivers to this project. Whilst the research elements of the project are vital to positioning the centre as world leading, the design team has envisioned attractive supporting spaces in terms of living, recreation, dining and social to make the asset a real destination. Once complete, the scheme will be one of four major provincial laboratories in Guangdong and aims to attract the best talent from across the globe to accelerate scientific discovery. The project represents a significant investment into the future of scientific research within the Greater Bay area.
客户:深圳市建筑工务署设计中心(项目建设单位);鹏城实验室 (项目使用单位)
10 Design设计内容:建筑设计、总体规划、CGI电脑成像
10 Design团队:Nick Cordingley/设计合伙人;Jason Easter, Edmond Lau 刘智豪/项目合伙人
建筑团队:Grant Wood, Bryan Diehl, Ryan Leong, Marco Bonucci, Ken Xu, Jan Henao, Shuyu Chen, Shuo Zhang, Sylvia Li, Cat Zhang, Robert Sochanski, Yulia Karnaukhova, Zack Cai, Jason Song, Christy Li, William Li, Henry Guan, Hafsa Siddique, Sian Wong, Christie Yeung, Kevin Mok
CGI 团队:Peter Alsterholm, Yasser Salomon, Henry Han, Adisak Yavilas, Lulu Guo
顾问团队:10 Design-主创建筑设计师、ARUP-机电和结构工程师、A+E-项目建筑师、J&A-室内设计师、SPD-园林景观设计师
版权声明:本文由10 Design授权发布。欢迎转发,禁止以有方编辑版本转载。
上一篇:水西东林盘文化交流中心 Inkstone House OCT Linpan Cultural Center
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