设计单位 Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
项目地点 西班牙赫雷斯
建成时间 2003年
建筑面积 44272平方米
With a rectangular floor topped by two semicircles that are not connected to each other, the existing building directly reproduced the geometry of the sports track. Without substantially altering its layout, the expansion project provides a roof that will protect all the spectators from the sun and ain, supported on a perimeter corridor of services that concentrates the stairs and access walkways to the higher tiers, and is open towards the exterior as a blind square.
The new surroundings of great metal slats are separated from this base by a horizontal slit which allows for views over the city. The original symmetry of the whole is broken at two points by two volumes that host, respectively, a sports centre-gym, a swimming pool and a hotel, in this way introducing other functions that guarantee permanent activity in the centre beyond just the hosting of sports competitions.
设计图纸 ▽
设计单位:Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
主创建筑师:Antonio Cruz、Antonio Ortiz
设计团队:Blanca Sánchez、Antonio Carrero
业主:Organizing Committee Jerez 2002
结构设计:Cesma Ingenieros
水电工程:JG Ingenieros
施工管理:Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos y Juan Márquez
施工监督:Análisis de Edificación y Construcción
摄影:Duccio Malagamba、Fotowork
版权声明:本文由Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos授权发布,欢迎转发,禁止以有方编辑版本转载。
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