建筑设计 Aires Mateus
项目地点 葡萄牙格兰杜拉
建筑面积 670平方米
建成时间 2017年
The context in its distances, alignments, proportions, define the mass. The program determines the project. A meeting centre for large gatherings or small groups. The ceiling, in its variations and geometry answers the program. A complete horizontal clearness outlines the space as a whole, which as atmosphere opposes to the weight of the vertical voids. The support functions deepen the external and peripheral wall. The final image is determined by the interaction of internal space and occupied façade.
模型 ▽
设计图纸 ▽
Project name: Meeting Centre in Grândola
Client: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Grândola
Location: Grândola, Portugal
Date of project: 2011-2012
Date of construction: 2012-2017
Surface area: 670m²
Built area: 670m²
Site area: 670m²
Authors: Aires Mateus
Project leader: Jorge P Silva
Collaborators: Marco Campolongo, Matteo Foresti, Elõd Golicza
Engineering: Axial, Três Cês
Constructor: Manuel Mateus Frazão
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