Dezeen Awards 2020现已开放报名。有方为本届奖项官方合作媒体,将持续更新奖项信息。
Dezeen Awards 2020 现正在接收来自全世界最好的建筑、室内及设计项目,以及来自有杰出作品的个人和工作室的投稿。去年,Dezeen Awards收到了来自87个国家的4500份投稿,是设计行业规模最大、最具国际影响力的奖项之一。
Dezeen Awards 2020 is now accepting entries for the world's best architecture, interiors and design projects, as well as the individuals and studios producing the most outstanding work. Last year's Dezeen Awards attracted over 4,500 entries from 87 countries, making it one of the largest and most international awards programmes in the industry.
Projects are rewarded not only for their beauty and innovation, but for their benefit to users and the environment.
本届评审团由包括诺曼·福斯特、Michael Anastassiades、Paola Antonelli、Jaime Hayon、Farshid Moussavi、Paola Navone 和 Konstantin Grcic等共75名国际建筑师、设计师、学者以及新闻记者组成,他们将评选出各类别获奖者。
Entries will be judged by an influential panel, made up of 75 international architects, designers, academics and journalists including Norman Foster, Michael Anastassiades, Paola Antonelli, Jaime Hayon, Farshid Moussavi, Paola Navone and Konstantin Grcic among others.
This year, there are 36 project categories that can be entered in total: 12 each for architecture, interiors and design. There are also new categories for landscape project, infrastructure project, bar interior, restaurant interior, small retail interior, large retail interior, architectural lighting design and exhibition design.
In addition, there are six studio categories that you can enter, which will name the best established and emerging architecture, interiors and design studios of the moment.
本届大赛报名截止日期为2020年6月2号。如有疑问,请发邮件至 与项目团队联系。祝各位好运!
The standard entry deadline is on 2 June. If you have any further questions you can contact the awards team at Good luck with your entries!
下一篇:运河美术馆:原始洞穴与艺术迷宫 / 普罗建筑