项目地点 荷兰阿姆斯特丹
设计单位 Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
建设时间 2007-2013
建筑面积 45000平方米
△ 荷兰国立博物馆项目视频
位于阿姆斯特丹的国立博物馆大楼是由荷兰建筑师Pieter Cuypers在19世纪末期设计的。该建筑有着双重的身份:国家博物馆,以及进入阿姆斯特丹南部的大门。建筑作为连接北部老城区及南部新区城市连接点的身份,对博物馆的功能造成了很大的影响。一条南北向的走道将建筑分割成两个部分,也因此形成了两个入口(皆朝向北方)和两座主楼梯;这意味着博物馆只有主层空间相互连接,而首两层均相互分离。
The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam was designed in the late nineteenth century by Dutch architect Pieter Cuypers. The function of the building was twofold: one part was the national museum, the other the gateway to the south of Amsterdam. The museum use has paid an overly high price for its urban role as a connecting element between what was then the existing city – to the North – and the newer developments towards the South. A walkway – virtually a street – runs through the building from North to South splitting it in two parts, necessitating two entrances –both towards the North– and two main staircases; this means that only on the first floor are the Eastern and Western parts of the building are joined, while the ground floor and basement are divided.
The building has suffered many interventions over the last century: the need for exhibition space has meant building within the courtyards which led to a lack of natural light. This also brought to a kind of labyrinth in which the visitor is given no information concerning their whereabouts. In summary, the museum suffered the usual lacks of museums of that period, i.e. a main hall unable to offer the proper capacity to the high number of visits and the need for essential services today such as information areas, shops, cafés, auditorium etc. In addition, the courtyards and galleries spaces lost their original size and shape.
The intervention on the building was, initially, meant to open up a new and unique entrance to the museum admission in the central passage hall, and secondly, to recover the courtyards and exhibition spaces, regaining somewhat their original state, or at least their dimensions. The first of these purposes could not be achieved due to the radical opposition of the cyclists, but it was possible to generate a large central hall to link the east and west courtyards of the building under the passage. The large space generated by opening and connecting courtyards houses all essential uses for visitors, and offers a suitable space on the scale that the grandeur of the building deserves. You enter this hall from the passageway, and the tours to the exhibition areas start at this point, linking with the original grand stairs.
△ 荷兰国立博物馆施工过程
In the new space created, natural limestone has been used as a basic material, a stone of a type not present in other areas of the building, but which allows us to unite the old and the new without complacency in the juxtaposition or contrast. This same material was used in the two new small interventions carried out in the garden. The courtyards, with a slightly sloping ground, are connected under the passage, and on each of the structure with an acoustic and lighting mission has been suspended, ‘chandeliers’.
设计图纸 ▽
项目地点:荷兰 阿姆斯特丹
设计单位:Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
主创建筑师:Antonio Cruz / Antonio Ortiz
设计团队完整名单:M. Huisman, T.Offermans, T. Reventós, O. García de la Cámara, M. Ter Steege, A. López, J. L. Mayén, C. Hernández, A. Vila, V. Bernícola, J. Kolle, V. Breña, S. Gutiérrez, M. Pelegrín, I. Mennenga, J. Pérez-Goicoechea, L. Gutierrez, C. Arévalo, R. Peinado, J.C. Mulero, M. Velasco
业主:Programmadirectie Het Nieuwe Rijksmuseum
建筑:Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos, ADP architecten(当地合作事务所)
景观:Copijn Tuin - en Landschapsarchitecten
室内:Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
施工管理:Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
施工监督:Van Hoogevest, Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos, Rijksvastgoedbedrijf,
施工团队:BAM Utiliteitsbouw Regio Amsterdam BV, Homij, Hömy, JP van Eesteren, Koninklijke Woudenberg, Kuipers, Moehringen, Unica
水电工程:Arup, RoyalHaskoning DHV, Van Heugten
改造修复:Van Hoogevest Architecten
摄影师:Jose Manuel Ballester, Pedro Pegenaute, Luuk Kramer, Iwan Baan, Jannes Linders, Arie de Leeuw, Erik Smits, Eran Oppenheimer, Duccio Malagamba, Ewout Huibers, John Marshall
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