Scheme Review Result and Presentation | International Tender for Guangming Scientists Valley Urban Design and Major Projects Architectural Design
The Scheme Review Meeting of International Tender for Guangming Scientists Valley Urban Design and Major Projects Architectural Design (Tender Number: 2104-440311-04-01-301347002001) was held at Shenzhen Guangming Science City Exhibition Center on August 3. Facing the proposition put forward in the Design Brief, bidders showed their schemes with diverse design concepts, striving to draw blueprints for the construction of Scientists Valley.
The Scheme Review Committee consists of 7 experts (in alphabetical order by name): CUI Kai, FENG Guochuan, GONG Weimin, LI Baozhang, SUN Yimin, TANG Hua and ZHU Ziyu. CUI Kai was elected as the principal by the Committee.
DING Qiang, the deputy director of Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, and TAN Quan, the deputy head of Guangming District People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality attended the meeting and made speeches. Other relevant officers from these organizations also attended the meeting: Guangming District Organization Department of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the CPC, Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality Guangming Administration, Guangming District Water Authority of Shenzhen Municipality, Guangming District Urban Aadministration and Law Enforcement of Shenzhen Municipality, Science City Development and Construction Bureau of Shenzhen Guangming District, Development and Construction Office of Guangming Science Town, and Shenzhen Guangming Science City Development Investment Co., Ltd. The designers of 5 qualified bidders reported their design schemes properly and orderly in the form of "on-site + online video report" in the order determined by drawing lots.
DING Qiang said that, the Large-scale Scientific Facilities Cluster of Guangming Science City has unique natural ecological resources and significant strategic advantages. He also expressed his hope to further consolidate the ecological base and create a comprehensive, international, distinctive and high-quality public service system with a well-proportioned spatial form merging with natural landscape for Scientists Valley through this international tender.
Since the tender announcement was released in March, the project has attracted 75 applicants, including 173 outstanding domestic and oversea companies in total. In the Pre-qualification Review Meeting, the Pre-qualification Review Committee adopted the method of open ballot and selected 5 unranked qualified bidders. After the site survey, Q&A Meeting and the two-month scheme refining phase, the 5 qualified bidders finally presented schemes with various layout strategies and design techniques at the Scheme Review Meeting, providing diverse ideas for the infrastructure construction of Scientists Valley. And the schemes also present more possibilities of combining science and nature.
The evaluation of the Scheme Review Meeting adopted the method of open review and open ballot (round by round). The 7 experts carefully listened to the presentations of the designers from 5 qualified bidders, and had a full discussion referring to the concept, overall layout, functional planning, and other key points of tender evaluation. Finally, after 2-round 3-time voting, 3 unranked finalists and 2 unranked non-finalists were selected by the Committee:
Presentation Section (in the order determined by drawing lots):
△ 上海霍普建筑设计事务所股份有限公司(牵头单位) // MIRALLES TAGLIABUE EMBT SLP 摄影:有方
Shanghai HYP-ARCH Architectural Design Consultant Co., Ltd. (Leading Member) // MIRALLES TAGLIABUE EMBT SLP Photography: POSITION
△ 深圳市局内设计咨询有限公司(牵头单位) // 陈东华建筑设计咨询(深圳)有限公司广州分公司 // 普罗忆象建筑设计(北京)有限公司 摄影:有方
INGAME OFFICE CO., LIMITED (Leading Member) // Donghua Chen Studio // officeProject Architecture Design (Beijing) Co., LTD. Photography: POSITION
△ MVRDV B.V.(牵头单位) // 上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限公司 摄影:有方
MVRDV B.V. (Leading Member) // Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute CO., LTD. Photography: POSITION
△ 深圳市建筑设计研究总院有限公司(牵头单位) // Mecanoo International B.V. // LOLA Landscape Architects B.V. 摄影:有方
Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research CO., LTD. (Leading Member) // Mecanoo International B.V. // LOLA Landscape Architects B.V. Photography: POSITION
△ 道迹建筑设计事务所(北京)有限公司(牵头单位) // 南沙原创建筑设计工作室有限公司 // 深圳市城市规划设计研究院有限公司 摄影:有方
Trace Architecture Office (TAO) (Leading Member) // NODE Architecture & Urbanism // Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen Photography: POSITION
The brief introduction of the Scheme Review Committee is as below (in alphabetical order by name):
崔愷 CUI Kai
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; National Engineering and Design Master; Honorary Dean and Chief Architect of China Architecture Design & Research Group
冯果川 FENG Guochuan
Executive Chief Architect of Zhubo Design; Vice Dean of Yahe School of Built Environment, Haikou University of Economics
龚维敏 GONG Weimin
Professor of School of Architecture & Urban Planning, Shenzhen University; Chief Architect of the Institute of Architecture Design & Research, Shenzhen University
李宝章 LI Baozhang
Founder, Chairman and Chief Architect of L&A Group
孙一民 SUN Yimin
National Engineering and Design Master; "Cheung Kong Scholar" Special-Term Professor; Dean of School of Architecture, South China University of Technology
汤桦 TANG Hua
Founder and Chief Architect of Tanghua Architect & Associates
朱子瑜 ZHU Ziyu
Former Chief Planner of China Academy of Urban Planning & Design; Professorate Senior Urban Planner
△ 评委合影(左至右:李宝章、冯果川、孙一民、崔愷、朱子瑜、汤桦、龚维敏) 摄影:有方
Photo of the Scheme Review Committee (From left to right: LI Baozhang, FENG Guochuan, SUN Yimin, CUI Kai, ZHU Ziyu, TANG Hua, GONG Weimin) Photography: POSITION
Before the meeting, the experts visited the Guangming Scientists Valley project sites. After fully understanding the current conditions and planning of the core area of the Large-scale Scientific Facilities Cluster, as well as the sites and surrounding environment of the two major projects, the experts officially began the scheme review.
△ 踏勘现场 摄影:有方
The Site Survey Photography: POSITION
△ 评标现场 摄影:有方
The Scheme Review Meeting Photography: POSITION
Scheme No.2
深圳市局内设计咨询有限公司(牵头单位) // 陈东华建筑设计咨询(深圳)有限公司广州分公司 // 普罗忆象建筑设计(北京)有限公司
INGAME OFFICE CO., LIMITED (Leading Member) // Donghua Chen Studio // officeProject Architecture Design (Beijing) Co., LTD.
Scheme No.4
深圳市建筑设计研究总院有限公司(牵头单位) // Mecanoo International B.V. // LOLA Landscape Architects B.V.
Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research CO., LTD. (Leading Member) // Mecanoo International B.V. // LOLA Landscape Architects B.V.
Scheme No.5
道迹建筑设计事务所(北京)有限公司(牵头单位) // 南沙原创建筑设计工作室有限公司 // 深圳市城市规划设计研究院有限公司
Trace Architecture Office (TAO) (Leading Member) // NODE Architecture & Urbanism // Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen
指导单位 Adviser
Guangming District People's Government of Shenzhen Municipality
Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality
招标方 Tenderee
Shenzhen Guangming Science City Development Investment Co., Ltd.
组织策划 Co-organizer
Shenzhen Position Spatial Culture Development Co., Ltd.
招标代理 Agency
Shenzhen International Tendering Co., Ltd.
咨询邮箱 Enquiry Email
项目主页 Project Homepage
资料整理 / 詹丽羚、陈杨、林国锋、罗瑞雨(实习生)、宝霁暄(实习生)
摄影、后期 / 唐杰、范昊
视觉 / 吴邦、李茜雅、郭嘉
校对 / 陈杨、陈汶茵、原源
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