The idea that Banja Luka should receive a quality and functional design which will articulate the existing undeveloped area in the immediate vicinity of the center of the city into a new city park proportionate to the size of the city, City of Banja Luka announce INTERNATIONAL OPEN PUBLIC COMPETITION FOR THE CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE URBAN-ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF A PARK ALONG THE BOULEVARD OF SERBIAN ARMY IN BANJA LUKA.
Participants are obliged to submit competition proposal in a digital format, whereas detailed instructions for proper naming of documents and submission can be found in folder “1 – COMPETITION ANNOUNCEMENT” in Chapter 3. This folder can be downloaded at “Competition documentation“.
Competition proposal and all the attachments must be written in one of the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina or in English.
All participants are required to submit the documentation defined in folder “1 – COMPETITION ANNOUNCEMENT” in Chapter 2.
Deadline for submission of competition proposal is December 05th 2021, until 23:59 hours (GMT +1).
The competition proposals not received by the announcer within the deadline determined for submission of the competition solution, and were received after the expiration of the day and the hour designated for submission of the proposals, will be considered untimely and will not be considered.
To check whether the proposal was successfully received go to “Submitted proposals” on this page. List of submitted proposals will be updated every working day until 15:00 hours. If you do not find your code in the list of submitted proposals after updating the first following day after sending the proposal, try sending again with the same code.
If at least six (6) proposals meeting the requirements of the competition are received within the deadline, the following prizes will be awarded in the net amount::
- FIRST PRIZE 15.000,00 EUR (equivalent in BAM)
- SECOND PRIZE 7.500,00 EUR (equivalent in BAM)
- THIRD PRIZE 3.750,00 EUR (equivalent in BAM)
Investor/Contracting Authority: THE CITY OF BANJA LUKA
Address: Trg srpskih vladara br. 1 Banjaluka
Identification number: 4401012920007
Address for correspondence: Trg srpskih vladara br. 1 Banja luka
Telephone: + 387 51 244-444
Fax: + 387 51 244-450
Web site:
Authorized representative/announcer: Department of spatial planning
Contact person: Maja Smiljanić,
Phone +387 51 244 444 (extension 654), e-mail address: