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资料获取截止时间:2020年10月29日 17:00

2.1 项目名称
2.1 Project name
Global Solicitation for Conceptual Architectural Design of Sanxingdui Museum of Ancient Shu Cultural Relics and Ancillary Facilities Project (New Hall and Visitor Center of Sanxingdui Museum)

2.2 项目地点
2.2 Project location
Sanxingdui Museum

2.3 项目说明
2.3 Project description

2.3.1 项目背景
2.3.1 Project background
三星堆遗址距今 4800 年至 2600 年,分布面积 12 平方公里。它的发现为已消逝的古蜀国提供了独特物证,昭示了长江流域与黄河流域一样同属中华文明的母体,与玛雅文明、古埃及文明、古巴比伦文明共同串起了神奇的北纬 30 度,被誉为“长江文明之源”“世界第九大奇迹”。1988 年被公布为“全国重点文物保护单位”,2010 年被公布为“第一批国家考古遗址公园”,现已列入《中国世界文化遗产预备名单》。
Sanxingdui Ruin Site dates back to 4800-2600 years ago, with the distribution area of 12km2. Its discovery provides unique physical evidence for the vanished ancient Shu Kingdom and shows that Yangtze River basin is also the cradle of Chinese civilization like the Yellow River basin. Besides, it strings miraculous 30 degrees north latitude together with Maya civilization, ancient Egyptian civilization and ancient Babylon civilization, and is honored as “the source of Yangtze civilization” and “the ninth wonder of the world”. Sanxingdui Ruin Site was listed in “Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level” in 1988 and "the first batch of national archeological parks" in 2010 Now, it has been listed in Tentative List of China's World Cultural Heritages.

三星堆遗址出土文物数以万计,由金、铜、玉、石、象牙、海贝等大量精美文物、特殊文物以及成系列的陶器群组成,展现了古蜀文明先进发达的青铜铸造、黄金冶炼加工、玉石器制作等生产技术,其中,高 2.62 米的青铜大立人、宽 1.38 米的青铜面具、高 3.96 米的青铜神树以及流光溢彩的金杖、满饰图案的边璋等,堪称稀世之珍。三星堆博物馆是大型的现代化专题性遗址博物馆,现有两个展馆,一展馆建筑为半弧形斜坡生态式建筑,二展馆建筑为三部一体的变形螺旋式建筑。
Tens of thousands of cultural relics have been unearthed from Sanxingdui Ruin Site, including a lot of exquisite cultural relics like gold, copper, jade, stone, ivory and seashell, pecial cultural relics and series of pottery groups. These cultural relics reveal advanced and developed production technologies of ancient Shu, such as bronze casting, gold smelting process and jade stone making. Among them, 2.62m-tall standing bronze figure, 1.38m-wide bronze mask, 3.96m-high bronze tree, gleaming gold scepter and jade blades with heavy motif stand out as treasures unparalleled. Sanxingdui Museum is a large modern thematic museum of heritage sites, which consists of two exhibitions halls. The first exhibition hall is a semi-arc slope ecological building, and the second exhibition hall is a three-part-integrated spiral building.


At present, Sanxingdui has become an important part of Sichuan cultural tourism image logo “Sanxingdui, Jiuzhaigou Valley and Giant Panda Enables a Comfortable Travel in Sichuan”. Sanxingdui National Cultural Relic Protection and Utilization Demonstration Area is being created to accelerate the world cultural heritages application and build a leading place for the study of ancient civilization and cultural tourism in the world.


2.3.2 项目选址
2.3.2 Project site selection
在三星堆博物馆东西方向的主轴线北面临鸭子河中门区域新建展馆,用地面积约 30000 平方米。游客中心选址于三星堆博物馆园区的东侧(广汉市向新路东侧),用地面积约 60000 平
The exhibition hall will be built in the middle gate area of Yazi River in the north of the principal axis at the east-west direction of Sanxingdui Museum, which covers an area of about 30,000m2. The visitor center will be located on the east side of Sanxingdui Museum (east side of Xiangxin Road, Guanghan City), which covers an area of about 60,000m2.


2.3.3 建设规模
2.3.3 Construction scale
建筑面积约 35000 平方米,其中三星堆古蜀文化遗址博物馆(三星堆博物馆新馆)建筑面积约 30000 平方米,游客中心建筑面积约 5000 平方米,以及陈列布展、现有两个展馆改造、安防智能化系统、总体景观绿化、景区主入口、水系整治、停车场等附属工程,估算总投资 10.6 亿元。
The built-up area is about 35,000m2 , including bout 30,000m2 for Sanxingdui Museum of Ancient Shu Cultural Relics (New Hall of Sanxingdui Museum) and about 5,000m2 for the Visitor Center. The estimated total investment is about RMB 1.06 billion, covering the New Hall, Visitor Center, display, exhibition, transformation of two exhibitions, intelligent security and protection system, overall landscape greening, main entrance to the scenic area, river system renovation, parking lot and other ancillary works.


2.4 项目定位
2.4 Project positioning
Against the backdrop of world cultural heritage application, this project aims to build an international, themed, human-based and technical world first-class relic museum,  ntensively display brilliant Sanxingdui civilization and fully show the unique charm and important position of Sanxingdui civilization in the development history of Chinese and even world civilization.


2.5 征集要求
2.5 Solicitation requirements
The design plans collected should reach the depth of conceptual design plan in accordance with the Code of Design for Museum Construction and the work practice. The design plans should cover the planning results such as main buildings of the new hall, the visitor center and parking lot in the scenic area within the scope of design, and the integration program of garden landscape design in combination of the existing No.1 and No.2 exhibitions halls.


2.5.1 项目所在地地域信息
2.5.1 Geographical information of project location
(1) Nature reserve zoning. According to the Publicity of Conforming Range Adjustment and Function Zoning for Sichuan Yazi River County-level Wetland Nature Reserve (2019), in the range adjustment for Yazi River County-level Wetland Nature Reserve, the experimental zone of Yazi River reach adjacent to the site of Sanxingdui Museum is adjusted to the core area, which conforms to the requirements of nature reserve.


(2) Meteorology and hydrology. Sanxingdui Ruin Site Protection Zone is located in the mid-subtropical humid climate region in Sichuan Basin, with the main characteristics of  oderate climate, notable wet and dry seasons and four distinct seasons. Besides, the continental monsoon climate is significant. The precipitation is low in spring. It is hot and rains heavily frequently in summer. Rain often falls in autumn. It is dry, warm and foggy in winter. Thus, natural ventilation and natural lighting should be considered during construction of the new hall.


(3) Planning for cultural relic preservation. According to the provisions of Notification of General Of ice of Sichuan Provincial People's Government on Publishing Resurveyed Protection Scope of Sanxingdui Ruin Site (CBH [2002] No.165), the museum area should be located within the general protection range of Sanxingdui Ruin Site.


(4) Assessment of cultural relic influence. Through comprehensive archaeological prospection of construction project land for the new hall of Sanxingdui Museum, most areas involved are located in the south of Yazi River - flood plain, and remains of ancient culture in Sanxingdui Period or other periods are not found. Hence, the construction organization can construct within the scope of construction.


2.5.2 建筑征集要求
2.5.2 Solicitation requirements
The architectural design for the new hall should be based on the above planning materials. The applicants should grasp the large-span museum construction design principle, fully respect opening status of the historic site and museum and focus on the excavation of historical culture. Meanwhile, the applicants should meet functional requirements such as museum exhibition, operation, management and tourism service and propose the overall planning positioning and conception planning strategy, etc.


2.5.3 征集细则
2.5.3 Solicitation rules
The applicants should refer to advanced domestic and overseas experience in ruin museum construction, and create a large modern thematic ruin museum which integrates knowledge, story, ornamental value and interest with distinctive themes and high degree of identification while respecting history and protecting cultural relics. The following rules are included but not limited to:


(1) According to the Planning for Sanxingdui Ruin Site Protection, and the requirements of Sanxingdui National Archeological Park construction and world cultural heritage application, it is required to optimize site selection for the project, further study and adjust the floor space, architectural scale, height and appearance style of the new hall and visitor service center, and highlight functions of the museum.


(2) The design of the new hall should manifest international influence of Sanxingdui civilization, reflect the spirit of the times, have rich cultural connotation and architectural philosophy, integrate modern architectural art and technology and make the museum a symbolic cultural building which embodying the modern and international image of Sanxingdui. It is required to encourage architectural design innovations, the introduction of world advanced new ideas and methods about museum design, use and management, analyze and summarize the overall positioning of Sanxingdui new hall construction, carefully deliberate and study functional orientation for the new hall and emphasize the respect of history as the fundamental.


(3) The new hall is an important part of Sanxingdui Ruin Site Protection Zone and Sanxingdui Scenic Area, and its design should highlight regional characteristics and carry forward the overall aesthetic perception. Meanwhile, it is required to fully underline functional requirements of site design and fully satisfy functional requirements of museum exhibition, operation, management and tourism service. As well, the spatial relationship of national archeological park, the relation between indoor display of the museum and the overall display system of national archeological park and the connection with Sanxingdui Cultural Industry Park should be considered.


(4) The impacts of new hall buildings on Sanxingdui Ruin Site and its surrounding landscape environment should be weakened, and the design of building structure should meet large-span space, heavy load and anti-seismic requirements for the display.


(5) The design plan should fully embody “people-oriented” guiding thought, and provide all-round and comfortable visit experience for audiences of all types to make the new hall a museum integrating art experience and humanistic care.


(6) The design of the new hall should achieve complete functions, fine exhibition conditions, advanced and feasible technologies, complete equipment, safety, applicability, economical efficiency and rationality.


(7) The design of the new hall must follow the code of building design of the People's Republic of China and conform to the provisions of the solicitation document.


(8) The design of the new hall must satisfy relevant specific requirements of Guanghan urban planning and comply with building design requirements of relevant urban design guideline forthis plot.

(9) The architectural shape of the new hall should be original and unique and shall not be similar to any existing public cultural service building.


本次全球征集分为两个阶段进行:第一阶段为公开报名及 遴选入围阶段;第二阶段为方案编制及评审阶段。本次征集为 第一阶段工作。

The global solicitation is divided into two stages: Stage 1 is open application and selection & shortlist stage. Stage 2 is plan preparation and review stage. The solicitation is the activity of Stage 1.


  • Stage 1: open application and selection & shortlist

评审委员会结合报名机构的行业声誉、业绩、奖项、拟投 入项目的设计团队、资质及有关设计许可等资料进行综合评价, 从报名机构中遴选出10家入围机构。被列入“失信被执行人”“重 大税收违法案件当事人名单”“严重违法失信行为记录名单”的 机构,主办方有权拒绝其参加本次征集活动。

The review committee carries out comprehensive assessment and selects 10 shortlisted organizations from the applicants based on the applicant's industry reputation, performance, award, the design team of the planned project, qualification and relevant design permission, etc. For the organizations listed in “trust-breaking persons subject to execution”,“list of parties involved in major tax violation cases” and “list of records of serious violations and dishonest acts”,the organizer is entitled to reject their participation in the solicitation.


  • Application conditions


The applicants must have one of the following conditions:

  • 境外及中国港、澳、台企业作为申请人的:其注册所 在国或者所在地区应与中华人民共和国有商务来往,且具有其 所在国家(所在地区)的合法营业及设计许可。
  • Where overseas enterprises and Chinese enterprises in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are the applicants, the country or region in which the applicant is registered shall have business relations with the People's Republic of China, and has the legal business and design license of the country (region).


  • 境外应征单位(无中国境内办事处或分公司的),须和符 合要求的中华人民共和国国内设计单位组成应征联合体。
  • Overseas applicants (without any office or branch in China) must form an applicant consortium together with a satisfactory design organization of the People's Republic of China.
  • 境外应征单位(在中国境内设有办事处或分公司的),须 取得总公司或本部授权的前提下可以独立参与本项目征集。
  • Overseas applicants (with an office or branch in China) may independently participate in the solicitation for this project after gaining the authorization of the head office or headquarters.
  • 国内机构作为独立申请人的,须为独立法人,经营范 围包括建筑设计及相关业务。
  • Where a domestic organization is an independent applicant, it must be an independent legal entity, with the scope of business including architectural design and relevant businesses.
  • 本次征集接受联合体参与。
  • Any consortium may participate in the solicitation.
  • 不接受个人及个人组合的报名。
  • The application from individuals and individual combinations is not accepted.



  • Composition of application materials
  • 报名登记表(附件1);
  • Application form (Annex 1);
  • 应征机构法律声明(附件2);
  • Legal statement of applicant (Annex 2);
  • ①境内应征机构:
  • ① Domestic applicants:


Business license (copy with official seal);


Qualification certificate (if any, copy with official seal);

②境外应征机构:在其所在国家或地区合法注册的营业执 照(复印件加盖公章),

② Overseas applicants: Business license of enterprise legally registered in the country or region where it is located (copy with official seal);

境外应征机构在境内有合法办事处或分公司的须提供境外 总公司或本部授权书(提供授权书原件),

Where the overseas applicants have a legal office or branch in China, the certificate of authorization from the overseas head office or headquarters (original of certificate of authorization) must be provided;

  • 其它资质证明(如有,复印件加盖公章)。
  • Other qualification proofs (if any, copy with official seal).
  • 以设计联合体名义报名的设计机构应提交所有联合体 设计机构共同签署的“设计联合体协议书”,并明确牵头设计的 主要单位。(附件3)
  • The design organization registered in the name of the design consortium should submit “Design Consortium Agreement” jointly signed by all designers in the consortium, and specify the leading designer. (Annex 3)

如境外应征机构无公章的,以合伙人签字代替(适用于本 次征集活动中所有要求加盖公章的文件或成果等)。

If the overseas applicant has no official seal, partner,s signature may be used for replacement (applicable to all documents or outcomes requiring official seal in the solicitation activity).

  • 应征机构近八年来(2012年1月1日至今)至少具有 1个类似项目设计业绩(提供合同复印件并加盖公章)。
  • The applicant should have the design performance of at least 1 similar project in recent eight years (from January 1, 2012 to present) (providing the contract copy with official seal).

类似项目设计业绩指:建筑面积在15000平方米及以上的 综合性或历史/文化/艺术类等博物馆建筑设计项目。


The design performance of similar projects refers to the architectural design project of a comprehensive or historical/cultural/art museum with the built-up area of over 15,000m2 and above.

  • 法定代表人身份证明(原件)或授权委托书、委托代 理人身份证明(复印件加盖公章,身份证原件备查)。
  • The identity proof (original) of legal representative or the letter of authorization and the identity proof of entrusted agent (copy with official seal and original of identity card for future reference).
  • 设计机构/主设计师曾获得过的国际或国内设计奖项 (证书复印件加盖公章)。
  • International or domestic design awards of the design organization/main designer (certificate copy with official seal).
  • 设计机构认为有需要的其他资料。
  • Other necessary materials required by the design organization.

☆申请人如为联合体,成员单位需分别提供上述资料、填 写报名表,以上所有资料均需加盖单位公章或签字。

☆ If the applicant is a consortium, the member organizations should provide the above materials, and fill in the application form. Al the above materials should be stamped with the official seal or 



3.1.3报名资料的递交(由咨询顾问单位——华夏城投项目 管理有限公司负责)

  • Submission of application materials (the consultant - Huaxia Investment Project Management Co., Ltd. is responsible for it)

报名方式一:现场报名。请于2020年10月10日至2020 年10月29日,每个工作日上午9:00-12:00,下午14:00-17:00 (10月23日17:00截止),在成都市武侯区锦悦西路160号孵 化园9号楼F座416室进行报名。报名时需提交上述(1)-(8) 项报名资料。

Application Method I: on-site application. Please apply at Room 416, Unit F, Building No.9, Business Incubator, 160 Jinyue West Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu City at 9:00-12:00am and 14:00-17:00pm (deadline: at 17:00pm on October 23) in every workday from October 10, 2020 to October 29, 2020. The above materials in (1)-(8) should be submitted during application.

报名方式二:电子报名。请于2020年10月10日至2020 年10月29日17:00(以邮寄报名资料到达时间为准),将上述 (1)-( 8)条规定的相关资料扫描件通过电子邮件发送至 (hxctsichuan@163.com)进行电子报名,并将报名资料纸质版


以邮寄方式邮寄至咨询公司。报名单位须保证所发送和邮寄文 件内容的真实性和有效性。

Application Method II: electronic application. Please send the scanned copies of materials in (1)-(8) to hxctsichuan@ 163 .com via email before 17:00pm from October 10, 2020 to October 29, 2020 (subject to the arrival time of the application materials mailed), and email the application materials to the consulting company. The applicant must ensure content authenticity and validity of the sent and emailed documents.

邮寄地址:成都市武侯区锦悦西路160号孵化园9号楼F 座416室

Mailing address: Room 416, Unit F, Building No.9, Business Incubator, 160 Jinyue West Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu City


Contact: Ms. Lyu

联系电话:(+86)028-83235896 (+86)18681350072

Tel: (+86) 028-83235896 (+86) 18681350072


Postcode: 610095

注:1、以上时间以北京时间为准,逾期将不予受理;电子 报名截止时间以邮寄报名资料到达时间为准。2、报名文件格式: 文字格式为中文或中英文对照,以中文为准。A4规格









09:00, October 10, 2020


Release the formal announcement and accept the application


Stage 1: open application and selection

& shortlist


17:00, October 29, 2020

报名资料提交截止(电子报名截止时间 以邮寄报名资料到达时间为准)

The deadline for application material submission (the deadline for electronic application is subject to the arrival time of mailed materials)


12:00, October 28, 2020


Deadline for written questions


10:00, October 30, 2020

遴选入围评审会,彳正集人组建评选委员 会对已成功报名的应征人资格进行评 定

The section and shortlist review committee and the Solicitor form a review committee to assess the qualification of the applicants


November 2, 2020

征集人通知入围结果,并向入围单位发 出《设计任务书》

The Solicitor informs the shortlist result and issues the Design Specification to the applicants

第二阶段:方 案编制及评 审阶段

Stage 2: plan preparation and review



17:00, November 3, 2020


接收《保密承诺函》及《参与确认函》 (扫描件)

Receive the Confidentiality Commitment Letter and the Participation Confirmation Letter (scanned copy)


From November 4, 2020 to


November 10, 2020 (tentative)

分批次组织现场踏勘及答疑会,要求主 创设计师必须参与现场踏勘;入围单位




递交《保密承诺函》及《参与确认函》 原件

Organize site survey and

question-and-answer meeting in batches. The chief designer must participate in the site survey. The shortlisted organizations must submit the originals of Confidentiality Commitment Letter and Participation Confirmation Letter

2021年02月19日09时30分(暂 定)

09:30, February 19, 2021 (tentative)


The shortlisted organizations submit the outcome documents


Submission address: further notice

2021年02月19日10时00分(暂 定)

10:00, February 19, 2021


Plan review meeting

注:所有时间均以北京时间为准,征集人保留调整日程安排的 权利。

Note: All time is subject to Beijing time, and the Solicitor reserves the right to adjust the schedule.





Contact: Ms. Lyu

联系电话:(+86)028-83235896 (+86)18681350072

Tel: (+86) 028-83235896 (+86) 18681350072


Postcode: 610095







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