招聘 | 高级建筑师、中级建筑师、初级建筑师、
Jobs | Senior Associate /Intermediate Architect/
Junior Architect/PR and Graphic Designer/Intern
坐标 | 上海市虹口区江西北路2号3楼(近外滩源)
Link-Arc建筑事务所 总部设于美国纽约,2019年在上海成立中国分公司,在深圳与柏林设有办事处,是一个国际化的建筑设计团队。“Link-Arc”的名字来源于我们合作性的本质与使命——通过链接多背景多角度的信息、人才和智力资源,与来自不同地区、不同领域的设计师一起进行城市规划、建筑、空间艺术、景观环境的多样化策略咨询与创造。目前已经落成的主要项目包括:2015年米兰世博会中国馆、华润集团档案馆、深圳南山外国语学校科华学校、成都大运会大剧院与文化艺术中心,南京湾艺术中心等。目前正在进行的项目包括:深圳鹭湖文化三馆(180,000平米,包括1400座大剧院、艺术中心与图书馆)、深圳前海桂湾学校、“云上集市”集中商业、西昌动漫博物馆、上海黄浦区老城厢改造以及其它类型的文化项目。我们期待热爱建筑、具备自我驱动力、富有才华的建筑师加入我们的事务所。
Based in New York City, Studio Link-Arc, LLC is an international team of architects and designers. The branch office was established in Shanghai in 2019, as well as several supportive offices in Shenzhen and Berlin. Our name, Link-Arc, refers to the practice’s collaborative nature as well as the company’s mission, which is to work across disciplines to create strategy and design in the fields of urban planning, architecture, spatial art and landscape. We accomplish this by linking knowledge, resources, and intelligence, from multiple perspectives and diverse backgrounds. The projects completed to date including Chinese Pavilion for Expo Milano 2015, China Resources Archive Library, NSFL School, Grand theater and Art and Culture Center for the Chengdu FISU world university game, Nanjing Art Center…etc. The ongoing projects include Shengzhen Luhu Culture Center (total 180,000 s.m., including the 1400 seats theater, art center and a library), Shenzhen Qianhai Guiwan School, The Cloud – CNZZ Commercial Complex, Xichang Animation museum, Shanghai Huangpu Old Town Redevelopment, and other types of culture and institutional projects. We want to invite the architects who are passionate about the architecture, self-motivated, and talented to join our team.
Link-Arc的作品在国际上赢得了广泛的关注和认可,曾获日本2006年新建筑国际住宅设计竞技大奖一等奖第一名;德国设计协会2014年度建筑标志奖;美国《建筑实录》杂志评选的2015年度 “全球设计先锋”;2016年美国建筑奖白金奖;2016年中国建筑学会建筑创作奖金奖;2019年亚洲建筑师协会建筑奖金奖;2021意大利THE PLAN设计大奖优胜奖;2022美国建筑师协会纽约分会建筑奖优秀奖等。2021年,事务所被Architizer A+提名为北美年度最佳文化类建筑设计事务所。
The office has been featured extensively in design media and has received many prestigious awards globally including: First Prize in the 2006 Japanese Residential Design Competition, the Iconic Award from the German Design Council in 2014, Architectural Record Design Vanguard 2015, American Architect Award Platinum 2016, Chinese Architect Association Architecture Design Gold 2016, Asian Architect Association Gold in 2019, The Italian Plan Design Winner in 2021, Nomination for the best culture design firm from the Architizer A+ Awards 2021, and Merit award from American institute of Architect New York Chapter in 2022.
In 2015, the Principle of Studio Link-Arc Yichen Lu was commissioned by Qing Hua University to design the China Pavilion for Expo Milano 2015. It was the first oversea independently built Chinese Pavilion in World Expo. The project won several prestige awards such as the Heritage Award, and Bronze Award in Architecture Design by International Exhibition Bureau and gained international recognition for the country.
△ Link-Arc建筑事务所 Studio Link-Arc
Senior Associate
Design Oriented
1. 建筑相关专业本科及以上学历;
2. 在一线国际建筑事务所10年以上工作经验,有文化类、教育类公建项目经验者优先;
3. 热爱建筑,富于激情,具备优秀的设计才能与表达能力;
4. 有项目全阶段设计与管理的经验;熟悉国内规范、工艺、及施工程序,关注建筑细节、材料、构造;
5. 具备优秀的团队领导力、沟通能力,以及极强的职业精神、责任心,高质量地安排工作节点与交付工作;
6. 具备优秀的时间管理能力,具备自我驱动力,适应快速的工作节奏;
7. 熟练运用AutoCAD、Rhino、Maya、Adobe系列等相关专业软件;
8. 能够在双语(中英)环境工作的候选人优先。
The candidate will be the team leader, and responsible for the management and development of the design for the overall project duration. He/she should also provide the creative design scheme and present the design to the exterior parties. The ideal candidate shall have the following:
1. Bachelor or above professional degree in Architecture.
2. More than 10 years of experience in the top international design firm. The experience in culture, education and institutional projects are preferred.
3. Strong passion for the architecture design, and outstanding design capability and communication skills.
4. Experience in design and management for all phases of the project. Familiar with the Chinese regulations, craftmanship, construction sequence, and attention to details, materials, and constructability.
5. Strong leadership in team management and communication, professional with strong sense of responsibility, can manage the specific workflow and deliverables.
6. Superior time management skill, self-motivated, and can adopt to the fast-paced work environment.
7. Expert in AutoCAD, Rhino, Maya, Adobe
8. Can work in bilingual (Chinese and English) professional environment preferred
Note: opportunity to choose to work in NYC for half a year after outstanding performance.
Senior Associate
Technical Oriented
1. 建筑相关专业本科及以上学历;
2. 在一线国际建筑事务所10年以上工作经验,有文化类、教育类公建项目经验者优先;
3. 热爱建筑,富于激情,具备扎实的技术知识以及敏锐的细节把控能力;
4. 有项目全阶段设计与管理的经验,熟悉国内规范、工艺、及施工程序,具有与国际顾问以及本地设计院协调的经验;
5. 具备优秀的团队领导力、沟通能力,以及极强的职业精神、责任心,高质量地安排工作节点与交付工作;
6. 具备优秀的时间管理能力,具备自我驱动力,适应快速的工作节奏;
7. 熟练运用AutoCAD、Rhino、Revit、Adobe系列等相关专业软件;
8. 能够在双语(中英)环境工作的候选人优先。
The candidate will be the responsible to manage the technical and production work for the entire project and provide the practical solution for the later phases of the projects. It is a critical role for SLA team to transition the design into the reality. The ideal candidate shall have the following:
1. Bachelor or above professional degree in Architecture.
2. More than 10 years of experience in the top international design firm. The experience in culture, education and institutional projects are preferred.
3. Strong passion for the architecture design, solid technical knowledge, and sensitive to the control of details.
4. Experience in design and management for all phases of the project. Familiar with the Chinese regulations, craftmanship, construction sequence, and attention to details, materials, and constructability. Experience in coordinating with international consultants and LDI.
5. Strong leadership in team management and communication, professional with strong sense of responsibility, can manage the specific workflow and deliverables.
6. Superior time management skill, self-motivated, and can adopt to the fast-paced work environment.
7. Expert in AutoCAD, Rhino, Maya, Adobe.
8. Can work in bilingual (Chinese and English) professional environment preferred.
Note: opportunity to choose to work in NYC for half a year after outstanding performance.
Intermediate Architect
1. 建筑相关专业本科及以上学历;
2. 在一线国际建筑事务所4-7年工作经验,有文化类、教育类公建项目经验者优先;
3. 热爱建筑,乐于创新,富于激情,且具学习与成长的愿望;
4. 熟悉建筑系统,能够与多个专业的顾问进行协调,对建筑细节和施工标准有广泛了解;
5. 具有出色的设计与表达能力、自我驱动力,适应快速的工作节奏;
6. 能够在最少的帮助与指导下完成设计深化与扩初图纸,并具备承担更多责任的主动性;
7. 熟练运用AutoCAD、Rhino、Maya、Revit、Adobe 系列等专业软件;
8. 能够在双语(中英)环境工作的候选人优先。
The candidate will be the key members of the team, participating in the design work for all phases of the project, and assist to finish the design and technical aspects of the project. The ideal candidate shall have the following:
1. Bachelor or above professional degree in Architecture.
2. 4-7 years of experience in the top international design firm. The experience in culture, education and institutional projects are preferred.
3. Strong passion for the architecture design, creative and energetic. Willing to learn and grow professionally.
4. Familiar with the architecture systems, can coordinate with the consultants with multiple disciplines, and general knowledge of construction and architecture details.
5. Outstanding design and presentation skill, self-motivated, and can adopt to fast paced work environment.
6. Can finish the schematic design and design development drawings with minimum supervision. Positive disposition and willing to take on more responsibility.
7. Expert in AutoCAD, Rhino, Maya, Adobe.
8. Can work in bilingual (Chinese and English) professional environment preferred.
Note: opportunity to choose to work in NYC for half a year after outstanding performance.
Junior Architect
1. 建筑相关专业本科及以上学历,具有在一线国际建筑事务所工作或实习经验者优先;
2. 热爱建筑,乐于创新,富于激情,且具备学习与成长的愿望;
3. 具有出色的设计与表达能力、自我驱动力,适应快速的工作节奏;
4. 善于主动发现、分析、解决问题,有较强的沟通能力和团队协作能力;
5. 具备较高的审美水平与坚实的建筑学知识储备,接受驻场监造;
6. 熟练运用AutoCAD、Rhino、Maya、Grasshopper、Vray、Adobe 系列等专业软件,擅长手工模型制作;
7. 能够在双语(中英)环境工作的候选人优先。
The candidate will be the team member participate in all phases of the design work, assist the design and technical tasks under the direction of the project architect. The ideal candidate shall have the following:
1. Bachelor or above professional degree in Architecture with work or intern experience in top international design firms.
2. Strong passion for the architecture design, creative and energetic. Willing to learn and grow professionally.
3. Outstanding design and presentation skill, self-motivated, and can adopt to fast paced work environment.
4. Can discover, analysis, solve problems, and can communicate and cooperative with the other team members.
5. Superior aesthetic sense and solid architecture knowledge, willing to be the residence/site architect as needed.
6. Expert in AutoCAD, Rhino, Maya, Adobe.
7. Can work in bilingual (Chinese and English) professional environment preferred.
Note: opportunity to choose to work in NYC for half a year after outstanding performance.
PR and Graphic Designer
1. 建筑学、平面设计、视觉传达相关专业本科及以上学历,具有在建筑行业从事媒体运营工作经验者优先;
2. 对建筑文化传播抱有兴趣,具备优秀的审美意识,有责任心,严谨对待文字、图像及图文编辑的表达呈现;
3. 具有较强中英文写作功底,擅长信息搜集和整合;
4. 具有较强的视觉传达表现力,精通平面设计软件Adobe系列,熟悉视频剪辑如Premiere、Final Cut等软件优先;
5. 具有很强自我驱动力,乐于对外沟通,适应快速的工作节奏;
6. 能够在双语(中英)环境工作的候选人优先。
The candidate will work closely with the Partner, and participate in the media outreach, publication, exhibition, and graphic design related work. Ideal candidates shall have the following:
1. Architecture, graphic design, communication major in Bachelor or above degree. Experience in architecture and media industry preferred.
2. Interests in architecture publication and media relation work. Strong sense of aesthetics and responsibility. Careful with the text, imagery and graphic editing and presentation.
3. Strong Chinese and English writing capability, and good with collecting and integrating information.
4. Strong visual presentation skills, master skills in graphic design software Creative Suites. Familiar with editing software such as Premiere, Final cut preferred.
5. Self-motivated, enjoy the communicate with external parties, and adopt to the fast-paced environment.
6. Can work in bilingual (Chinese and English) professional environment preferred.
1. 建筑学或相关专业本科四年级以上或研究生在读,有实习经验者优先;
2. 热爱建筑、乐于创新、善于学习,且具备学习与成长的愿望;
3. 具有出色的设计能力、自我驱动力,适应快速的工作节奏;
4. 熟练运用AutoCAD、Rhino、Maya、Grasshopper、Vray、Adobe 系列等专业软件,擅长手工模型制作;
5. 申请人需满足不少于3个月的完整全职实习周期,6个月以上优先考虑。实习期间因返校等其他原因间断不得超过一周,并在申请时提前说明;
6. 实习补贴2500~3000元/月。
SLA internship program is designed to provide the practical experience in the independent design firm and expand the knowledge for his or her future career. Ideal candidate shall have the following:
1. Undergraduate or graduate architecture student. Prior intern experience preferred.
2. Passionate about architecture design, creative, fast learner, and willing to learn and grow.
3. Outstanding design capability, self-motivated and can adopt to the fast-paced working environment.
4. Familiar with AutoCAD, Rhino, Maya, Grasshopper, Vray, Adobe Creative Suite, and physical modeling.
5. Applicants need to satisfy no less than 3 month of internship program, 6 month and more preferred. During the internship period, the break period due to the school schedule or other reasons shall not be more than one week continuously, and an application for the leave shall be submitted prior.
6. Stipend for the internship period is 2500-3000 RMB per month.
1. 应聘者请将PDF格式(最大15MB)的中英文求职信、简历和工作样本发送至邮件标题请注明职位),不接受任何压缩文件或下载超链接;
2. 简历中需包含个人信息、联系方式及个人近照;
3. 作品集中务必包含学生时期的作品,如果有草图、模型、绘画等体现个人艺术素养的作品,也请提供;
4. 申请者需在对Link-Arc的的背景及项目有一定的了解的基础上,提交符合要求的申请;
5. 事务所会在收到申请后的3-4周内,邮件或电话联系合格的申请者安排面试,请耐心等待;
6. 上海分公司联系人:齐媛媛,联系电话:13917159354。
Link-Arc withholds international, interdisciplinary and with multi-culture standard, and provide the architects the opportunities to work on the best projects, and in a cultivating environment for growth and development. All applicants shall:
1. Submit the Chinese and English Cover letter, resume, and work samples in PDFs (Max 15 MB) to, Indicate the applied position in the email. No compressed files or links will be accepted.
2. Personal information, contact and the photo should be included in the resume.
3. Portfolio shall include schoolwork, and sketches, model, drawings, and any work show casing the personal artistic characteristics should also be included.
4. Applicants shall have basic understand Link-Arc’s background and projects and provide appropriate materials for application.
5. The company will contact the applicants for interviews with email or phone call within 3-4 weeks after receiving the applications. Please be patient.
6. Shanghai branch contact person: Yuanyuan Qi, contact number: 13917159354.
△ 米兰世博会中国馆 China Pavilion for Milan Expo 2015 ©Studio Link-Arc
△ 华润集团档案馆 China Resources Archive Library ©Studio Link-Arc
△ 深圳南山外国语学校科华分校 NSFL School ©Studio Link-Arc
△ 南京湾艺术中心 Nanjing Art Center ©Studio Link-Arc
△ 深圳龙华鹭湖文化中心 Luhu Cultural Center ©Studio Link-Arc
△ 深圳前海桂湾学校 Shenzhen Qianhai Guiwan School ©Studio Link-Arc
△ 中洲黄金台云上集市 The Cloud – CNZZ Commercial Complex ©Studio Link-Arc
△ 深圳国际演艺中心 International Performance Center ©Studio Link-Arc
下一篇:AAN建筑设计事务所:项目建筑师、助理设计师、施工图深化组长/设计师、行政助理、实习生【广州招聘】 (有效期:2022年3月11日至2022年9月12日)