德国HPP建筑事务所(HPP Architects) 成立于1933年,距今已有85年的历史,总部位于杜塞尔多夫,在柏林、法兰克福、汉堡等8个城市设有办公室,在土耳其和中国的上海和北京拥有3个海外分支机构,共有大约450名设计师,其中在中国的有80余名。现招聘建筑师、初级建筑项目负责人、规划师、室内设计师、建筑实习生。办公地点位于北京朝阳、上海静安、深圳南山。
HPP Architects was founded in 1933 in Germany, based in Düsseldorf. It has a history of over 85 years, with 8 offices in Germany, including Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg, and 3 overseas branches abroad, (Istanbul, Shanghai and Beijing). HPP has over 450 excellent designers, about 80 of which are in China.
HPP mainly dedicate to architectural design, urban design, landscape design, as well as interior design. Typologies include office buildings, industrial park, urban complex, shopping mall, hotel, transportation, residence, sports, culture, hospitals, as well as architectural renovations.
As one of the most vigorous countries in Asia, China’s future development will be put into the major place of HPP’s international strategy. The setting up of Shanghai and Beijing offices is the guarantee of the stable, high-quality services that we provide.
HPP Architects dedicates itself to pursuing the architectural quality, typological clarity, efficiency and durability in its works. The values of HPP have not been changed ever since the foundation of the firm in 1933. As the business grown steadily, the pursuit of sustainability never has ceased.
In our designs we strive for architectural quality, functionality, efficiency, longevity and sustainability. An organizational framework is the basis for a freedom of work based on the trust of each individual partner as well as of his or her team. In doing so, our architectural language is determined by the undogmatic examination of a project’s particular topics, not by continuous application of identical formal arrangements independent from task or location.
Our design approach handles of numerous issues of content, such as a building’s identity, function, typology, efficiency, productivity, urban context, history etc.
建筑师 3—5名
1. 参与设计/项目,包括概念、方案设计、扩初设计、细节、施工图控制、现场服务等;
2. 作为项目团队成员向项目负责人汇报;
3. 建筑学本科及以上,具有在专业设计院或国际建筑事务所的相关工作经验;
4. 英语或德语流利(具有即时口语翻译及书面汇报能力);
5. 熟练掌握专业软件,如CAD、Photoshop、Sketchup等;
6. 工作地点:上海、北京、深圳全职(接受实习生)。
1.Participating in the design/project, including concept, schematic design, development design, details, construction drawings control, site service, etc;
2.Project team member and report to project leader;
3.Bachelor degree or above in architecture; relevant working experiences in major design institute/major foreign design agency are required; excellent professional English/German is required (instant oral translation and written report are required); good command of professional software as CAD, Photoshop, Sketchup etc;
4.Working Location: full time in Shanghai/Beijing/Shenzhen; internship needed.
初级建筑项目负责人 3—5名
1. 独立领导设计/项目,包括概念、方案设计、扩初设计、细节、施工图控制、现场服务等;
2. 控制项目的质量、进度、人力投入和效率;
3. 向高级项目负责人汇报;
4. 建筑学本科及以上学历,具有5年以上在国际建筑事务所的相关工作经验并负责过复杂、大型项目的设计;
5. 英语或德语流利;
6. 熟练掌握专业软件;
5. 工作地点:上海、北京全职。
Junior Architecture Project Leader
1.Independently leading the design/project, including concept, schematic design, development design, details, construction drawings control, site service, etc; control of project quality, schedule, manpower input and efficiency;
2.Report to Senior Project leader;
3.Bachelor degree or above in architecture; relevant working experiences for more than five years in major foreign design agency with leading complex/large scale projects are required; excellent professional English/German is required; good command of professional software;
4. Working Location: full time in Shanghai and Beijing.
规划师 3—5名
1. 参与设计/项目,包括概念、设计优化、深化设计、设计控制、服务等;
2. 作为项目团队成员向项目负责人或规划总监汇报;
3. 城市规划本科及以上学历,具有在国际建筑事务所的相关工作经验;
4. 英语或德语流利(具有即时口语翻译及书面汇报能力);
5. 熟练掌握专业软件,如CAD、Photoshop、SketchUp等;
6. 工作地点:上海全职。
Urban Planner
1. Participating in the design/project, including concept, design optimization, further design, design control, service, etc;
2. Project team member and report to project leader or urban director;
3. Bachelor degree or above in urban plan; relevant working experiences in major foreign design agency are required; excellent professional English/German is required (instant oral translation and written report are required); good command of professional software as CAD, Photoshop, Sketchup etc;
4. Working Location: full time in Shanghai.
室内设计师 3—5名
1. 参与设计/项目,包括概念、方案设计、扩初设计、设计控制、服务等;
2. 作为项目团队成员向项目负责人汇报;
3. 室内设计本科及以上学历,具有在专业设计院或国际建筑事务所的相关工作经验;
4. 英语或德语流利(具有即时口语翻译及书面汇报能力);
5. 熟练掌握专业软件,如CAD、Photoshop、SketchUp等;
6. 工作地点:上海全职。
Interior Designer
1.Participating in the design/project, including concept, schematic design, further design, design control, service, etc;
2.Project team member and report to project leader;
3.Bachelor degree or above in interior design; relevant working experiences in major design institute/major foreign design agency are required; excellent professional English/German is required (instant oral translation and written report are required); good command of professional software;
4.Working Location: full time in Shanghai.
建筑实习生 3—5名
1. 辅助设计师完成设计/项目,包括概念、方案设计、扩初设计、设计控制、服务等;
2. 熟练掌握专业软件如CAD、Photoshop、SketchUp等;
3. 英语或德语流利(具有即时口语翻译及书面汇报能力);
4. 工作地点:深圳,北京、上海,一周三天以上;
5. 实习补贴:100—160元/天。
Architecture Intern
1.Assist with the design/project, including concept, schematic design, development design, details, construction drawings control, site service, etc;
2.Good command of professional software such as CAD, Photoshop, Sketchup, etc;
3.Excellent professional English/German is required;
4.Working days and Location: 3 days above in Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai.
5. Daily allowance: 100—160 RMB.
1. 本职位由HPP委托猎头服务机构Archibucks负责初步筛选,筛选合格的候选人将会交由HPP HR进行面试安排;
2. 请将简历及作品集发至:
3. 邮件注明申请HPP职位;
4. 职位咨询热线:021-33661613;
5. 职位咨询顾问1:Derek Lu,微信(同QQ):905023670;
6. 职位咨询顾问2:Paprika Wang,微信(同QQ):1315848126。
上一篇:Space Modification Unit:建筑师、室内设计师、建筑实习生【北京】(有效期:2018年7月28号至2019年1月31号)
下一篇:Aedas:助理建筑师、建筑设计师、高级建筑师、规划设计师、高级规划设计师 【北京、深圳招聘】 (有效期:2018年12月3日至2019年6月5日)