招聘 | 项目建筑师/初级建筑师或室内设计师/实习生
坐标 | 北京市东城区东四八条91号
No. 91, Dongsi Batiao, Dongcheng district, Beijing
ATLAS由周贞徵,Catherine McMahon,Ahti Westphal于2015年成立于北京。团队成员包括建筑师、空间设计师、纺织产品设计师、研究员等。实践领域涵盖空间、材料、策略、文化、教研。工作室将设计作为一种主动参与的工具,重新思考工业文明席卷下的消费主义浪潮,将地方-空间-材料,历史-文化-生活,进行多个维度的串接,得到意想不到的形式、别出心裁的细节或被忽视的材料及技术。他们采取过程式的方法,以期捕捉时间的凿痕,以实验性的态度和精准的设计语言,努力寻求现代技术与传统手艺之间的动态平衡。丰富的实践经验及不同的学科背景,使得他们擅于处理跨文化语境中的多元冲突与融合。工作室的每一个项⽬都是一次将当代故事另行拆解编织的范本,为身体与土地、情感与精神提供生生不息的开放式图景。
作品屡次入围《安邸AD》中国最具影响力建筑设计100+,荣获《Elle Deco家居廊》最佳商业空间、Award 360°最佳品牌空间等奖项。曾参加北京设计周、设计上海、鹿特丹国际建筑双年展和威尼斯建筑双年展平行展等。获CNN报道“中国5个最值得关注设计师工作室”(2016),工作室项目亦多次被英国ICON杂志,The New York Times《纽约时报》,Wallpaper*《卷宗》等媒体出版报道。
△ 办公环境
We hope to find you who love life, be willing to share responsibilities, have creativity thinking and with a good taste of art to work together with us. We are a design studio pay close attention on sustainability issue and community development , focusing on the protection of traditional culture both in rural area and urban China.If you are a graduate/postgraduate of architecture, urban planning, and design related with remarkable working experiences, we invite you to join us to spend a wonderful working moment in Beijing Hutong Alley.
You will have opportunity to work with practical designers and intelligentcreatives from multiple background. You would know how a maturate design studio collaborate with others, you may gain lots of talent ideas and a group of cool associates.And if you are also interested in knowledge crafting, exhibition making, community development, and culture heritage protection, write email to us and we might offer you a full-time contract. If you have a range skills of baking, shooting, coding and programming, it is also a bonus item.
1. 建筑学/城市规划专业本科及以上学历;
2. 3年及以上工作经验;
3. 能独立完成方案设计或施工图设计,有丰富工作背景者优先;
4. 参与全程项目协调,能有效解决施工中出现的问题;
5. 工作严谨,关注材料细节,对中国施工标准、施工流程有一定程度了解;
6. 熟练运用AutoCAD/SketchUp/Rhino/Adobe CS等,有较强动手能力;
7. 良好的中英文表达能力,有外企工作或海外留学背景者优先。
1. Bachelor degree or above in architecture or urban planning, experience in large-scale design institute or famous foreign architects shall be prioritized;
2. 3 years experience in architecture at least, including experience of project management, project coordination, ability to expressing design concepts and details;
3. Familiar with the relevant local laws, regulations, policies and codes of practice;
4. Proficiency in AutoCAD, Sketch-up, Adobe CS and Rhino shall be preferred;
5. Fluency in written and spoken Englishshall be prioritized;
Junior Architect/Interior designer
1. 建筑学或设计专业本科及以上学历,有海外留学背景者优先;
2. 1年及以上工作经验;
3. 熟悉建筑/室内设计流程,能协助完成方案深化设计及施工图设计等;
4. 热爱工作,踏实敬业,具备与项目各方直接沟通及协调的能力;
5. 熟悉运用AutoCAD/SketchUp/Rhino/Adobe CS等,有较强动手能力;
6. 良好的中英文表达能力。
1. Bachelor degree or above in architecture or urban planning, applicants with overseas study experience or overseas experts shall be prioritized;
2. 1 year working experience, reflection of creative and expressive design process;
3. Familiar with preliminary design and construction design;
4. Good command of AutoCAD, Sketch-up, Adobe CS and Rhino shall be preferred;
5. Fluency in written and spoken Englishshall be prioritized;
1. 建筑学/城市规划或设计相关专业全日制本科或研究生;
2. 热爱设计,学习能力强,善于沟通,对方案设计、实体模型制作感兴趣;
3. 熟练掌握AutoCAD/SketchUp/Adobe CS/Rhino等;
4. 实习期不低于3个月,请在简历上注明实习时间段;
5. 良好的中英文表达能力;
6. 每月补贴2000元起。
1. At least BA degree holder with architectural university study;
2. Strong design talent;
3. Excellent skills in modeling, AutoCAD, Sketchup, Adobe CS, Rhino;
4. Physical strength and mental strength with high motivation;
5. Fluency in written and spoken English;
6、Monthly Stipend 2000 rmb.
Please attach a brief self-introduction to your CV and portfolio(PDF, within 10 MB), send it to before Sep. 31.
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