SOM将在第17届威尼斯双年展上展出名为《地球之外的生命》(Life Beyond Earth)的装置作品,展示其对月球村的设想。该装置是与欧洲航天局(ESA)合作开发的,将展示SOM和ESA对一种新型空间建筑的建议—— 一个可持续的生态系统,可支持人类在未来几十年在月球上的生存。
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) will bring its vision for a Moon Village to the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia in an installation entitled Life Beyond Earth. Developed in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA), the installation will showcase SOM and ESA’s proposal for a new type of space architecture – a sustainable ecosystem that will support a human presence on the Moon in the decades to come.
Life Beyond Earth will be located at the Corderie within the Arsenale complex and will open alongside the rest of the Biennale Architettura installations on 22 May 2021. The installation encompasses two large-scale, physical models and a film that together bring Biennale visitors on a journey from Earth to the Moon’s surface. Close-up details of an individual habitat module enable visitors to imagine everyday life in the Moon Village and understand the engineering and technology that enable its design.
The installation results from an international, multidisciplinary initiative launched by ESA to explore the potential for inhabited environments on the Moon. Expanding the territory of architecture, the project inspires visitors to envision future societies in new environments and to confront the challenges for sustaining human life in the extreme conditions of outer space.
事务所设计合伙人Colin Koop说:“我们与ESA的合作表明,跨学科的合作有助于实现空间探索的国际目标。”“它采用了一种非常规的方式来设计外星栖息地,结合了建筑和航天行业的专业知识,并应用了建筑、城市规划、科学、商业和心理学领域的知识。”
“Our partnership with ESA demonstrates how interdisciplinary collaboration can support international goals for space exploration,” said SOM Design Partner Colin Koop. “It takes an unconventional approach to extraterrestrial habitat design, combining the expertise of the building and space industries and applying knowledge from the realms of architecture, urban planning, science, commerce, and psychology.”
事务所副主任Georgi Petrov说:“《地球之外的生命》设想了一个长期的、自给自足的月球定居点,克服了极端环境的限制。”“这个装置将教育并启发来自所有背景的观众,并为未来的太空探索提供一个窗口。”
“Life Beyond Earth envisions a long-term, self-sufficient lunar settlement that overcomes the constraints of an extreme environment,” said SOM Associate Director Georgi Petrov. “The installation will educate and inspire an audience of all backgrounds and offer a window into the future of space exploration.”
2021年威尼斯建筑双年展由Hashim Sarkis担任主策展人,其主题是一个问题:我们将如何共同生活?作为回应,《地球之外的生命》向仍处于疫情流行阵痛中的世界发出了强有力的信息——重申了空间的重要性及其对所有社会的惠益。同时,它也说明了空间居住研究如何为人类共存和资源利用提供见解,这些见解也可以应用于地球上的问题。
Biennale Architettura 2021 is curated by Hashim Sarkis and poses a question as its theme: How will we live together? In response, Life Beyond Earth offers a powerful message for a world still in the throes of the Covid-19 pandemic — a reaffirmation of the importance of space and its benefits for all societies. At the same time, it illuminates how space habitation research provides insights into human coexistence and resource utilization that can also be applied to problems on earth.
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