设计单位 Sauerbruch Hutton
建成时间 2018年
建筑面积 25600平方米
项目地址 意大利威尼斯梅斯特雷
M9 is a museum of the cultural inheritance of the 20th century, located in a small museum quarter in Mestre, the mainland gateway to Venice. An agent of urban renewal, this educational institution and events venue provides a point of local identification and helps to redress the disparity of cultural wealth between Mestre and the tourist magnet across the lagoon.
M9由两个大小不同的体量组成,分别对应博物馆及其办公室、前置修道院和办公楼,它们共同构建了一个新的公共广场,同时开辟了一条从Erminia Ferretto广场到Via Cappuccina大道的对角线人行通道。以满足该小区域更新的功能诉求,经翻新改造的16世纪Grazie集约区庭院分布在道路沿线,各种咖啡馆、餐馆和商店使得这条路线的活跃度得到有效提升。
The M9 scheme consists of one larger and one smaller new building – for the museum and its offices, respectively – plus a former convent and an office building. Together they frame a new public square and open up a diagonal pedestrian link from Piazza Erminia Ferretto to the important thoroughfare of Via Cappuccina. This passes through the courtyard of the 16th-century Convento delle Grazie, which was renovated and converted for uses that complement those of the small quarter. The route through the block is enlivened at street level by various cafés, restaurants and shops.
The museum building likewise offers public facilities on the ground floor, including a media library, an auditorium, a museum shop and a café. A long, dramatic staircase leads up to the galleries and event spaces. The permanent exhibition occupies two ‘black box’ floors and takes a narrative approach to the history of modern Italy, while temporary exhibitions are housed in a naturally lit ‘white box’ on the top floor.
M9 is an active museum with no thresholds to inhibit entry; it addresses residents and tourists, young and old alike. In its provision of a social location, the development as a whole sustains the lifeblood of the European city.
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