6月27日,英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)公布了2019年英国国家建筑奖 (RIBA National Awards)获奖名单,54个项目最终胜出。
获奖项目坐落于英国全境,尺度及类型跨度颇大,包括隈研吾新作邓迪V&A博物馆等公建,以及卒姆托历时十年完成的其于英国的首个永久项目:Secular度假屋等。此外,逾三分之一的获奖项目为改造类,如Heatherwick Studio的煤滴广场商业综合体。
自1966年设立以来,每年一届的英国国家建筑奖旨在表彰于英国境内落成的最佳建筑项目。RIBA主席Ben Derbyshire表示,尽管英国近年面对着政治、经济的双重挑战,2019年的获奖项目仍展示出英国建筑高度的适应性,才华,以及一贯保持的对于社区的关注。此外,面对全球气候危机,可持续性理念以及能延续为后代所用的高品质建筑也应是建筑界的核心关注。
168 Upper Street
4 Pancras Square
设计:Eric Parry Architects
Alexandra Palace
设计:Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Battersea Arts Centre
设计:Haworth Tompkins
The Beecroft Building University of Oxford
Brentford Lock West Keelson Gardens
设计:Mae with White Ink Architects
Bristol Old Vic
设计:Haworth Tompkins
Coal Drops Yard
设计:Heatherwick Studio
Colin Connect Transport Hub and Colin Town Square
设计:Hall McKnight
Cork House
设计:Matthew Barnett Howland with Dido Milne and Oliver Wilton
The Dorothy Garrod Building
设计:Walters & Cohen Architects
Eddington Lot 1, North West Cambridge
设计:WilkinsonEyre with Mole Architects
Eddington Masterplan
设计:AECOM Design & Planning
Eleanor Palmer Science Lab
设计:AY Architects
Goldsmith Street
设计:Mikhail Riches with Cathy Hawley
Great Arthur House
设计:John Robertson Architects
Hackney Wick Station
设计:Landolt + Brown
Hampshire House
设计:Niall McLaughlin Architects
Hill House Passivhaus
设计:Meloy Architects
House Lessans
设计:McGonigle McGrath
Kettle's Yard
设计:Jamie Fobert Architects
Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery
设计:Stonewood Design
设计:Niall McLaughlin Architects
London Bridge Station
Mapleton Crescent
设计:Metropolitan Workshop
Marmalade Lane
设计:Mole Architects
设计:Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners with EPR Architects
Music School, King's College School Wimbledon
设计:Hopkins Architects
Nevill Holt Opera
设计:Witherford Watson Mann Architects
Nithurst Farm
设计:Adam Richards Architects
North West Cambridge Utility Buildings
设计:Robin Lee Architecture
Ordsall Chord
The Painted Hall
设计:Hugh Broughton Architects with Martin Ashley Architects
Peter Hall Performing Arts Centre
设计:Haworth Tompkins
Pitzhanger Manor and Gallery
设计:Jestico + Whiles with Julian Harrap Architects
Preston Bus Station refurbishment
设计:John Puttick Associates and Cassidy+Ashton
The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries
A Restorative Rural Retreat for Sartfell
设计:Foster Lomas
Royal Opera House Open Up
设计:Stanton Williams
Secular Retreat
设计:Atelier Peter Zumthor with Mole Architects
Science and Technology Centre and Global Study Centre, Sevenoaks School
设计:Tim Ronalds Architects
Signal Townhouses
设计:Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
Simon Sainsbury Centre, Cambridge Judge Business School
设计:Stanton Williams
Southbank Centre
设计:Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
South London Gallery Fire Station
设计:6a architects
Teaching and Learning Building
设计:Make Architects
Television Centre
设计:Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
Westminster Abbey Triforium Project
设计:Ptolemy Dean Architects
The Weston, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
设计:Feilden Fowles Architects
Writ in Water
设计:Mark Wallinger with Studio Octopi
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