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折叠空间:20平方米小宅改造 / 大观建筑设计

折叠空间:20平方米小宅改造 / 大观建筑设计
编辑:崔婧 | 2020.04.20 13:00
室内  摄影:史云峰

设计单位  DAGA Architects大观建筑设计

项目地点  北京

建筑面积  20平方米

设计时间  2018




In Beijing, in addition to Hutongs, a type of regional residential architecture, red brick dwellings are also an indispensable part of the urban texture of old Beijing. Most of these buildings were built in the last century, and they are the first batch of buildings and dwellings in Beijing, and they also formed the initial residential community model. However, these houses are now in disrepair, dilapidated and shabby, and their functions are not satisfactory. Problems such as the lack of living functions and the narrow kitchen of bathrooms have been gradually exposed, and now it is difficult to meet the needs of young people. At present, most of them are shelter for lonely elderly people and migrant workers.


北京红砖民居 Red brick dwellings in Beijing  摄影:史云峰
房屋改造现场 Housing renovation site


生活容器 | Living container



The project is located on the third floor of a red brick residential building in Shougang Road, with an area of about 20 square meters. In this extremely precious small space, the bathroom appears to be very small and cramped, with only the kitchen and hallway, as well as a bedroom. 20 square meters, not only undertakes the hostess's daily life of three meals a day, but also needs to take into account the need for temporary rest when her son, who is studying abroad, comes home. Although the space is small, it is not only the sustenance of the family's feelings, but also the receptive device of their lives. However, in use, it is love and hate for this family, and many inconveniences in use have made this old house gradually "criticized" by the family. How to rebuild the family's spiritual residence and how to meet all the living needs in a small space is a major challenge for our renovation.



Before the transformation, the space of the "small" house could not match its function, and it was full of daily necessities of day overwhelmed by "poems and dreams". The storage space in the house was crowded and cluttered. Squat cover shower, bed edge sitting, tea table curled up at the head of the bed, sewing machine hiding in the thick dust, game cartoon-loving son's "Frost sadness" submerged in bottles and cans, lost the light of the past. The hostess repeats the movements of her life every day, with the back of her son from a toddler to a foreign learner. The family is worried about the lack of function, narrow inconvenience and line of sight at home, and they all want to have a storage room big enough to avoid the "funny" situation of using kitchen cabinets as shoe cabinets.



视线通透 | Transparent line of sight



The narrowness of the space often makes people feel depressed, crowded and uncomfortable, which visually compresses the "sense of mass" of the space. So in this transformation, the first thing we need to do is to make the indoor line of sight transparent. However, due to the structural limitations of this old small house, the indoor partition structure can hardly be changed. Under this premise, we adjust the layout and comb the streamline to make the space appear more transparent. Let the "small" house look at the "small" but "complete with five internal organs", "transparent line of sight", "folding furniture", "storage" and other key words have become the main points of the design.


卧室推拉移门 Bedroom sliding door  摄影:史云峰


Inside the space, the entrance of the bedroom is not only a central location of the whole house, but also a central point of traffic, which can lead to other functional areas of the home, so we first made a new layout here. The doors of the living room, kitchen and bathroom all use folding doors and sliding doors, and choose glass as far as possible in the material, so as not to affect the privacy of the space while reducing the sense of isolation and embarrassment of each functional space. The original closed space has been changed into an open or semi-open space, which will make the indoor line of sight transparent and create a sense of experience of the "big" space.



折叠空间 | Folding space


空间规划分析图 Spatial planning analysis diagram  ©DAGA Architects大观建筑设计


Transparency solves the problem of line of sight inside the space. Another problem that needs to be solved in the small space is storage needs. Storage can not only solve the needs of use, but also can store the indoor objects, so that the sense of order and cleanliness of the space is greatly increased, so as to achieve the purpose of making the small space bigger.


折叠空间与收纳系统分析图 Analysis diagram of folding space and storage system  ©DAGA Architects大观建筑设计


With a space of 20 square meters, our storage strategy is not only to increase the lockers, but also to make use of the high space. The biggest highlight is the design of folding furniture, so that a space can have a variety of compound uses and increase the utilization rate of the space. In each functional space, we have set up two states, namely, "folded state" and "active state". The folding state is a more commonly used state in daily life, which can meet all the needs of the hostess alone, and the whole effect is that the room is clean and permeable, while when dynamic is enabled, the storage space and functional space are increased to meet temporary use needs, and can continue to be folded up after use, and the space is flexible and changeable.


厨房入口的隐藏式折叠桌 A hidden folding table at the entrance to the kitchen  摄影:史云峰


In the renovation, we redesigned the original L-shaped operating table of the kitchen, and adjusted the water position of the heating, the electric fireplace and the vegetable washing pool, so as to make the active streamline in the kitchen more concise and convenient. And lockers are added to the upper and lower positions of the kitchen countertop, which greatly increases the storage capacity of the kitchen. The upper cabinet is set as a pull-down cabinet, which is more convenient to use. for the hostess who is not tall, you can also easily take the items from the upper cabinet. There is also a shelter for the washing machine in the kitchen. The overall white tone makes the space more spacious visually.


厨房折叠空间分析图 Folding space analysis diagram of kitchen  ©DAGA Architects大观建筑设计


Combined with the doorway of the kitchen, a wall-hanging hidden folding table is designed, which can be pulled down and folded directly to form a small countertop, which can not only be used as an operating table, but also a small bar for breakfast or afternoon tea.


可调节高度电动吊柜 Adjustable height electric hanging cabinet  摄影:史云峰
走廊场景分析图 Corridor scene analysis diagram  ©DAGA Architects大观建筑设计


At the top of the corridor outside the kitchen, an electric hanging cabinet is designed, which can adjust the height and use the position at the top to store goods, neither occupying the space of the pedestrian below, and the wood-colored material is also integrated with the overall style, giving people a warm feeling. Electric storage is also more suitable for the elderly to avoid the danger of stepping on stools.


卫生间外侧玻璃折叠门(左)与卫生间内部(右)Bathroom outside glass folding door (left) and bathroom interior (right)  摄影:史云峰


Bathroom uses folding glass door, folding door can reduce the occupation of space, suitable for such a small space residence. The film on the outside of the glass ensures privacy and leaves a blank at the edge of the glass to prevent the elderly from slipping when using the toilet.


凹龛洗手池 Alcove sink  摄影:史云峰


There is a structured alcove at the entrance, where we have placed a customized wash basin and touch round mirror. Immediately next to the bathroom, it is convenient to wash and at the same time, achieve dry and wet separation. Moreover, this round mirror is directly at the entrance of the living room area, adding a sense of depth to the entire space and expanding the visual space experience.



Living room and bedroom, as the most important space at home, merge into one in this 20-square-meter space, although it is not independent, but we also try our best to let users have more functional experience and better experience life in this space.


客厅与卧室可变空间分析图 Variable space analysis diagram of living room and bedroom  ©DAGA Architects大观建筑设计

女主人卧室区域 Hostess bedroom area  摄影:史云峰


The living room and bedroom area are combined with the wall and ground to insert the storage space into the storage space. Considering the ergonomics at the same time, adding electric and folding design is simple and convenient to operate and save space. The hostess' bed is integrated with the wardrobe and lockers, and a folding wall lamp is set in the niche to facilitate night-time lighting. The closet at the end of the bed is designed with a pull-out desk. When you use it, you only need to gently pull out the desktop board. It is very convenient. The folding wall lamp in the niche can also provide lighting for this desk, giving the owner an extra night. Reading options.


儿子卧室区域——折叠沙发床 Son bedroom area-folding sofa bed  摄影:史云峰


The folding sofa bed combined with the closet integration is used as a temporary bed when the son returns home. On weekdays, it can be folded up and used as a sofa. This area is also planned as a living room.


客厅区域——窗边可折叠桌 Living room area-foldable table by the window  摄影:史云峰


Before the renovation, the owner was ashamed that there was no living room to invite friends. After the transformation, we designed a folding table near the window, with panels expanded, which can be used for four to five people to eat, and can also be used for leisure chess entertainment and other activities. become an area at home where you can party and relax.


电动晾衣架 Electric drying rack  摄影:史云峰


One side of the windowsill is combined with floating windows to design an electric clothes rack for the hostess to use, and bonsai is placed on the windowsill to increase the green vitality in the space.



适老策略 | Aging strategy


适老策略细节 Details of aging strategy  摄影:史云峰


The female owner lives alone in this small house all the year round, and her son is unable to take care of her overseas, so we have also added some aging designs in the renovation to ensure the safety of the owners in use. The floor sensor lights installed near the door and on the cabinets in the bedroom can light up without control at night, reducing the possibility of the elderly falling down. The white space under the glass door of the bathroom is also for the elderly to be detected when they slip in the bathroom.



In fact, there are many such old neighborhoods in every city that need to be rebuilt. For designers, this transformation of "home" will carry more weight. For residents, home is their spiritual residence and a container for all past and present life. Every house should meet the needs of the occupants. Since the people are different, the home should be varied. 20-square-meter house is changed to create a more comfortable and convenient way of life for the owners in the ordinary life.



设计图纸  ▽


剖面图与平面图  ©DAGA Architects大观建筑设计



设计公司:DAGA Architects大观建筑设计







Project Information
Design company: DAGA Architects
Design team: Shen Jianghai, Huang Da, Li Shaoyi, Yu Xiaoyu, Yang Xiaoling

Project type: Interior design
Covered area: 20㎡
Date of design: 2018
Photographer: Shi Yunfeng


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