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报名开放!JDC-基准杯2021国际大学生建筑设计竞赛,期待你来 | 推广

报名开放!JDC-基准杯2021国际大学生建筑设计竞赛,期待你来 | 推广
编辑:原源 | 2021.09.08 11:30





The objectives of JCD are to encourage changes in architectural design, to combine traditional etiquette with contemporary creative ideas, and to foster the development of new generation of architects. JDC, started in 2019, has gained a lot of supports and recognitions from college students and instructors. This year, JDC will continue the semi-open proposition that encourages the participants to integrate their life experiences and the architectural spirit of the time into the design schemes. The competition could motivate the students to face the challenge of complex problems and hence improve their comprehensive ability in architectural design, so as to be more prepared for the profession.








In the "post-epidemic" era of rapid development of science and industrial technology, it has become the norm to categorize people's life trajectories by means of big data. After being integrated by big data, people with the same attributes in a certain field are integrated into similar groups. The traditional way that people relate to others has gone beyond point-to-point connection and presented in the form of hypergraph or hyperlinks. In this context, how could the community, as a social life community composed of people living in a certain geographical area, will provide the people living in it with more superior ways and modes of communication? As an architect who creates the structure of the community, what architectural space and planning concept models should be used to respond to this problem and create an opportunity for the occurrence of the Hypergraph Community?



Regarding “Hypergraph Community”



The concept of hypergraph: In mathematics, a hypergraph is a generalization of a graph in which an edge can join any number of vertices. Formally, a hypergraph is a pair where is a set of elements called nodes or vertices, and is a set of non-empty subsets of called hyperedges or edges.


以超图概念出发设计“超图社区”( Hypergraph Community )。作为社区,应该为其中居民提供超图或超链接的交往模式。即以居民的行为模式以及建筑的物理模式上对超图概念做出回应。将数学概念中的“超图”(Hypergraph)现实化、可视化。“超图社区”应该是自由的社区,可以满足人们对美好生活的需求。

The "Hypergraph Community" is designed based on the concept of hypergraph. As a community, the residents should be provided with a hypergraphic or hyperlink modes of communication, which could respond to the behavior patterns of the residents and the physical patterns of the building. Realize and visualize the "Hypergraph" in mathematical concepts by using architectural language. It should be a free community that meets people's requirements for a better life.


方案应包含“超边容器”(Hyperedge Container),即可作为某一属性人群居住、活动与交往的场所。

The project should include a "Hyperedge Container", which can be used as a place for people of a certain attribute to live, perform, and communicate. 






Participants choose any site (not greater than 20,000㎡) in a city (a city in any region of the world). The site should include the natural conditions (light, water, sound, etc.) and human activity tracks (roads, waterways, etc.), buildings and landscapes. The context of the site should be unified and considered as a whole.



The selected site can exist in reality or hypothetically. But it should conform to basic natural physical principles. The architecture and landscape should reflect the historical, cultural and meteorological conditions of its location. The project should reflect the local cultural attributes, conform to the living habits of local residents, and embody positive ethics.


“超图社区” ( Hypergraph Community)内业态可包含但不仅限于居住、艺术展厅、文化设施、景观绿地、购物休闲、饮食娱乐、学校等。

The "Hypergraph Community" should include but is not limited to residence, art exhibition hall, cultural facilities, landscape green space, shopping and leisure, food and entertainment, school, etc.


“超边容器”(Hyperedge Container) 应具有创新性,应具有为特定类型人群或复合特性人群所创造独特的场所属性,参赛者需选择一个或多个容器元进行较为详细的设计表达。

"Hyperedge Container" should be innovative and should have the unique attributes of a place created for people with specific type or same overlapping characteristics. Participants need to choose one or more containers for more detailed design expression.




主办单位 Host Institution


JZFZ Architectrual Design Co., Ltd

联办院校 Co-Host Institutions


School of Architecture, Tianjin University

联合协作院校 Supporting Institutions

(顺序不分先后 In no particular order)






School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University

School of Architecture, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology

School of Architecture and Fine Art, Dalian University of Technology

School of Architecture and Design, Southwest Jiaotong University

College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qingdao University of Technology


支持媒体 Supporting Media

(顺序不分先后 In no particular order)

gooood谷德设计网/有方/UED城市环境设计杂志/新包豪斯大师协会/包豪斯大学国际教育学院/UniDesignLab/建筑竞赛/三开间/一筑一事/ IKUKU(在库言库)/archrace/建筑竞赛情报局/ASA建筑研习社/建筑星系/搜建筑/红印文化/ABBS建筑论坛/筑龙学社/环球观筑/环球设计联盟/建筑邦/建筑竞赛热榜360/DESIGNER设计师杂志/REARD地产设计大奖/广州设计周/我爱竞赛网/全球设计竞赛/建筑结构/建筑小学堂/景观家/AW建筑周/建筑联盟/新微设计/地产设计周/景观派/芽木科技/大学生赛事资讯

gooood/POSITION/UEDmagazine/NBEV/WBA/UniDesignLab/DC/Sankaijian.com//Z/SStudio/Ikuku.cn/archrace/ACI/ASA/ARCHIGALAXY/Discover-Architecture/HON IN/ABBS/Zhulong study group/ARCHIFOCUS/Geek in the world/ARCHITBANG/Designer magazine/Guangzhou Design Week/www.REARDatChina.com/rebang360.com/52jingsai.com/GDC/Building Structure/yyooke/Landscape Home/Architecture Week/Archinet/Xinwei Design/Dichan Design Week/LA/Yamu Technology/YouthCompetitions







Requirements and Procedure


1. 参赛范围:各大高校全日制在校学生(包含研究生),及毕业未满一年的高校毕业生(毕业证日期为2020年12月31日之后)。

2. 参赛方式:以个人或小组形式参赛,每组成员不超过2人,指导老师仅限一名。

3. 报名方法:由官网 jdc.jzfz.com.cn 统一报名入口报名。报名无需报名费用。

4. 参赛者一律提交电子版作品,竞赛组委会不接受任何纸质版作品。

5. 官网报名于2021年9月1日正式启动,报名截止日为2021年11月10日。

6. 参赛者请于2021年11月21日前由竞赛官网提交作品。

7. 首轮评审:首轮将评选出进入决赛的10组作品,进入决赛名单及入围奖获奖作品于2021年12月08日(暂定,具体时间以评审评分时间为准)于官网及微信公众号公布,主办方将会以电话及邮件方式通知入围决赛选手。

8. 决赛答辩及颁奖:2021年12月18日。

9. 决赛答辩地点为四川省成都市,决赛选手将受邀赴蓉进行决赛答辩。

1. Competition participant requirement: Full-time student in architecture from accredited institution (including undergraduate, master, and doctorate students), and graduated students who graduated from college no more than one year ago.(The date in the diploma is no earlier than December 30th, 2020)

2. Competition Entry: No more than two authors for each entry; Only ONE advisor for each entry.

3. Registration: Log in the official website jdc.jzfz.com.cn for free registration.

4. Only digital files are allowed for JDC. Printed Drawings will NOT be accepted.

5. Registration date: From 2021.09.01 to 2021.11.10

6. Submission: All competition participants should submit the work before 2021. 11. 21 through official website.

7. Preliminary Review: In preliminary review, the jury group will select 10 works for final review. The list of candidates for final review will be published on the official website on 2021.12. 08(TBA). The committee will notify the candidates by phone and e-mail.

8. Final review and award ceremony: 2021.12.18

9. Final review will be hold in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. All the final candidates will be invited to Chengdu for final review.



Final Review Interpretation


1. 本次竞赛为数字竞赛,不提供实体模型展示,入选决赛作品图纸将由组委会统一制作展览。

2. 若选手为国外及港澳台学校学生、无法参与评图,则选用远程视频形式进行评图。

3. 若无法与选手于2021年12月10日(暂定)前取得联系,则视为弃权,由后续排名选手递补获得决赛资格。

1. This competition is a digital competition. Physical models are NOT allowed for final review. The committee will in charge of printing all the posters during the final review.

2. If the candidates from Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan area or overseas that cannot come to Chengdu, they could use video and tele-presence for the final review.

3. If the candidate could not be contacted before 2021.12.10(TBA), the candidate will be deemed to waive the qualification and the subsequent ranked participants will be admitted the final qualification.



Competition Rules


1. 参赛者同意并遵守本竞赛内容及竞赛规则;竞赛组委会对竞赛规则拥有最终解释权。

2. 以下情况的参赛作品将会被视为弃权比赛:1)在截止日期之后提交的作品;2)提交文件不符合标准,损坏或不完整。

3. 参赛者拥有参赛作品的版权,但竞赛组织方有权行使参赛作品署名权以外的其他版权权利,组织方可将作品用于展示、宣传、出版等其他用途。

4. 参赛作品需为未公开发表及投递过其他国内外建筑竞赛的原创作品,不得侵犯他人著作权、版权、专利及其他产权。

5. 竞赛评委不得作为指导老师指导学生参赛。

6. 每位参赛者限报名一个作品,不能报名多组作品参赛。

7. 各小组提交一件参赛作品,严禁重复提交。若发现同一作品出现重复提交情况,组委会有权选择其中一组作为参赛作品进行评审。

8. 参赛作品信息以最终提交作品文件中的TXT文件为准。

1. Individual and group participants must agree with and follow the competition requirements and regulations. The organizing committee reserves its right of final interpretation.

2. The following situation will be deemed to waive the qualification:

1)Submit works and files after deadline.

2)The files that are submitted do not meet the requirement, damage, or are incomplete.

3. Participants own the copyright, while the organizing committee can exercise all other rights except authorship, including but not limited to exhibition, advertising, publishing, etc.

4. Entries that have been submitted to other competitions, ever published or found to be similar to other works in terms of design ideas will be disqualified from the competition.

5. Juries cannot serve as the advisor.

6. Each participant could only register for one submission.

7. Each group is only allowed to submit one piece of work. Repeated submission is prohibited. Once discovered, the organizing committee owns the right to choose any one of them.

8. The information of a project is based on the TXT file of the final submission.


备注 Notes:

1. 本次竞赛参赛范围为各大高校在校学生,主办方将要求进入决赛选手及获奖选手提供相应学生身份证明或毕业证明。若不符合本次竞赛参赛资格,奖项及奖金将不予发放;其奖项及奖金将由排名后续选手递补获得。

2. 奖金将以作品为单位发放,组织方不干涉作品奖金发放后的奖金分配。

3. 所有作品奖项由竞赛评委统一商议决定,一等奖作品若未达到竞赛评委的一致评审要求,则视为空缺。

1. Only college students are allowed to register in this competition. The committee will require participates who have entered the final competition and won prize to provide proof of student identity or certificate of gradutaion. If participates are not qualified for this competition,the prize and bonuses will be cancelled. the prize and bounses of unqualified participate will be acquired by following participates.

2. The bonuses will be gave out to wining team. The Committee will not interfere bonus share of wining team.

3. Each award is determined by the review committee. If review committee decides that no work meet the standard of first-prize,then it will be deemed vacant.





Submission Requirements


1. 最终成果需提交不多于3张(包含3张)A1(841mm*594mm)电子图纸(RGB模式,JPG),图纸版面需横向排版。

1. Please submit no more than 3 digital version posters in A1 size (RGB mode, JPG format). The layout should be horizontal.



2. 图纸信息建议包含但不限于以下内容:总平面图,建筑平、立、剖面图,整体鸟瞰图、节点透视图、方案分析图、效果图等,比例不限。

3. 参赛者必须提供英文或中英双语图纸。

4. 比例与尺寸采取公制单位。

5. 图纸上请勿包含任何院校及作者信息,不符合图纸要求的作品作废。

6. 参赛者需提交一份以作者姓名为文件名的TXT文本文件,其中包含作品名称、报名登录号、参赛人员、手机号码、电子邮箱地址、QQ或微信账号(若有)、所在学校及专业全名、导师姓名(若有)、作品说明(不多于600字)。作品名称及作品说明必须为英文或中英双语。

2. The poster should include at least the followings:

Site plan, plans, sections, elevation drawings, aerial views, perspective drawings, diagrams, renderings, etc. There is no limitation on proportion.

3. Language: English or both in Chinese and English.

4. Scale and dimensions must be in metric units.

5. Posters with information related to the participant’s name or school will be disqualified.

6. A TXT document must be attached in the files of the submission, which include participant’s names, registration number, e-mail address, mobile phone number, name and contact information of the advisor (if any), the full name of the school and department, title and brief introduction ( no more than 600 words) of the submitted work. The title and brief introduction must be in English or both in English and Chinese.



Drawings and File Requirement


上传文件格式 For the file to submit:


The submitted files should be in ZIP or RAR. Please name the file as participants’names + the login ID.


上传文件包含 The submitted files should include:

1. 方案图纸:提供格式为JPG格式、图片质量不低于300DPI,命名方式根据作品名称命名。方案图纸数量不多于三张,图纸中不得含有参赛者身份及学校标志。

2. 文本资料:文本资料需为TXT格式,包含内容详细请见“提交要求”,命名方式以参赛者姓名命名。

3. 其他资料:组委会接受但不强制要求选手可提供动画等表达方式的多媒体资料,若有提供请根据作品名称命名,动画及多媒体材料中不得含有参赛者身份及学校标志。

4. 文件大小:打包文件不大于200M。

1. Posters: Please submit the posters (300 dpi in resolution at least) in the version of jpg and name the drawings according to the project’s name.

2. Information: All the information need to be contained in one file in TXT version. The detailed requirement could be found in “Submission Requirement”. Please name the file according to participants’names.

3. Others: The committee will accept animation and other multi-media files which is not required for the competition. Please name the other files as project’s name (if have) and do not include any personal or school information, or will be disqualified.

4. Size: No more than 200M for the ZIP or RAR File.





1. 最终成果需登录竞赛官网jdc.jzfz.com.cn,并于2021年11月21日23:59(GMT+8)前上传官网。

2. 作品可提交两次,第二次提交后,第一次提交成果将被覆盖。第二次提交后作品无法修改,请参赛选手在提交作品前确认文件准确性。

1. Please log in our official web site: jdc.jzfz.com.cn,and upload your final work before 2021.11.21 23:59(GMT+8).

2. The work can be submitted twice, after the second submission, the first submission will be covered.  The work cannot be modified after the second submission. Contestants are requested to confirm the accuracy of the documents before submitting the work.














1st Prize (1 project)

Certificate and 60,000 RMB (approx.9000 USD)(incl. tax)

2nd Prize (2 projects)
Certificate and 30,000 RMB (approx.4500 USD)(incl. tax)

3rd Prize (2 projects)
Certificate and 15,000 RMB (approx. 2250 USD)(incl. tax)

Finalists (5 projects)

Certificate and 2000RMB (approx.300USD) (incl. tax)

Honorable Mention (20 projects)

Certificate and special gifts


其他奖励 Other Awards:

1. 获奖者获得基准方中建筑设计有限公司全球招募计划offer,有机会入选集团优才计划。

2. 获奖作品将于基准方中红印艺术中心进行展览宣传。

3. 获奖作品将于竞赛合作各大支持媒体进行宣传。

1. Participants who own the prizes have the chance to get offers from JZFZ Design Co. Ltd, andjoin the Elite program.

2. All projects that receive the prizes will exhibit in Hongyin Museum.

3. All projects that receive the prizes will be advertised in supporting media.




注册报名截止时间:2021年11月10日 24:00(北京时间)

作品提交截至时间:2021年11月21日 24:00(北京时间)

Deadline for Registration: 24:00 (GMT+8) November 10th, 2021

Deadline for Submission: 24:00 (GMT+8) November 21st, 2021



Contact: Please Email your questions orinquiries regarding the competition to JZFZDC2021@163.com. You will get reply in 48 hours.



The committee of 2021 JDCInternational Student Competition in Architecture reserves all right of finalinterpretation.




























1. 邮件标题及资料包请以“新作/视频投稿-项目名称-设计单位”格式命名;

2. 由于媒体中心每日接收投稿数量较多,发送资料前请确认项目基本信息、文图资料准确无误。接受投稿后,不做原始资料的改动;

3. 若投稿方已于自有平台进行发布且设置“原创”,请提前开设好白名单(有方空间账号:youfang502;Space内外账号:designall),并设置好“可转载、不显示转载来源”两项。
